10 months ago


Fake stores

Uschichandbags.com operates a deceptive online store. The pictures displayed on the site don’t truly reflect the products they’re selling. The website’s content appears to be copied from other sources, undermining its originality. The products advertised on this platform are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The business address listed on the site is not authentic. The fraudulent activity was uncovered when the website was just 92 days into operation. Unfortunately, the site lacks a customer service phone number for direct contact. Additionally, the company doesn’t have a significant presence on social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where an online store pretends to sell legitimate products. In reality, these products are often counterfeit or don’t exist at all. The scammer’s goal is to trick customers into paying for these items, often using copied images and descriptions from legitimate websites. The physical address provided is usually fake, and customer service is virtually non-existent.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No privacy policy
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves a scammer creating a phony online store. They often use the names of legitimate businesses or establish entirely new ones. The intent is to trick unsuspecting buyers into sharing their personal and financial information. Common tactics include offering high-demand products at shockingly low prices. Such deals seem too good to be true and unfortunately, they are. After making a purchase, customers either receive counterfeit items or nothing at all. Scammers commonly use slick, professional-looking websites to lure victims. These sites may have secure payment systems, user-friendly interfaces, and customer reviews. These elements can make it challenging to distinguish between a legitimate and fake online store. Another common tactic is using pressure tactics. They create a sense of urgency to make buyers act quickly. This could involve limited-time offers or low stock warnings. Despite appearances, these are all part of the scammer's ploys to trick people and get their money.


Avlimited.net, a website that surfaced just 84 days ago, has been discovered to be operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website promises significant returns on investments, however, once the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear with your hard-earned money. They claim to be operating under a business name that is not officially registered in the […]


Demarcapital.com is a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The online platform, which has only been running for 59 days at the time of these reports, promises significant financial returns. However, unsuspecting users have reported that their deposits mysteriously disappear. Interestingly, there’s no contact number for customer service provided on the website. Moreover, the firm’s operational name is […]


Bvastzone.com, a website that surfaced just 120 days ago, has been flagged as a fraudulent crypto platform. A lack of customer service contact and an unverifiable business address on the site raised suspicions. Moreover, the business doesn’t seem to be registered in the state it purports to operate from. The company’s absence on social media […]


Fragranceoutlets.shop is a suspicious website. Detected as a fraudulent online store, its existence spans only 29 days. The site lacks a customer service phone number. The content lacks creativity, seemingly cloned from similar sites. It offers a deceptive range of goods, potentially risky due to the poor quality raw materials used in their creation. Fake […]


We’ve discovered that Onewiex.org is running a scam where they promise big returns on your investment, but in reality, they just take your money and disappear. The pictures on their site are fake, and they’ve copied content from other sites, raising doubts about their originality. The website is new, only 40 days old. Many pages […]

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