5 months ago


Investment scams

Uniquexibtrade.com is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise substantial returns on your investment, but once you’ve parted with your money, they disappear. The authenticity of the website’s content is questionable, as it doesn’t match with other similar pages. There’s no customer service phone number provided on the website. The business address listed on the site is also incorrect. The website is a recent creation, with the domain name being only 97 days old at the time of this report.

An investment scam is a deceptive operation where fraudsters promise high returns on investments to lure individuals into parting with their money. Once the money is invested, the scammers disappear, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are a form of fraud. It involves tricking people into putting their money into fake or non-existent investments. Scammers offer opportunities that seem too good to be true. They promise high returns with low risk. They use persuasive and manipulative tactics to convince you. Some create false documents, others set up professional-looking websites. They might claim to have insider information or use technical jargon to sound credible. Scammers even pretend to be from legitimate firms. They rush you into making decisions, saying the opportunity is limited. Remember, these scams can be very sophisticated. It's important to do your own research before investing, and not just believe what you're told.


There’s something fishy going on with Hoxo.shop. The website, which is just shy of a month old, is under suspicion of operating a fraudulent retail scheme. You’d be hard-pressed to find a customer service phone number listed anywhere on the site. A deeper look into the website’s data reveals a startling truth – the content […]


Hikingfast.com, a relatively new website, is operating a fraudulent online store. Although it has only been active for a mere 92 days, it’s already raising suspicions. The products displayed on the website are not accurately represented by the images provided. These inaccurate portrayals of the items are misleading to potential customers, and purchasing them could […]


Hydex.app is running an investment scam. They promise lucrative returns on your investment, but instead, the scammers take your money and disappear. Major review platforms have no reviews for this platform. The photos displayed on the website do not accurately represent the actual products. The website’s content lacks originality and seems to copy content from […]


Maurece.com operates a scam by pretending to be a legitimate online store. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. The website, barely over two months old at the time of this report, lacks creativity. It seems to simply copy and paste content from similar sites. The site doesn’t […]


Xtrade8.com operates an investment scheme. They dangle the carrot of huge returns on your investment. Yet, once you put your money in, the fraudsters abscond with your funds. Search for the company’s reviews and you’ll draw a blank on top consumer feedback sites. You won’t spot the company on any social media platforms. Visit their […]

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