8 months ago


Investment scams

Gocoininvest.com, a relatively new website, is involved in a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, only 81 days old when the scam was discovered, does not provide a customer service phone number. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you send your money, it’s stolen by the fraudsters who then vanish. The company lacks a significant presence on social media platforms. Interestingly, the website operates under a business name that isn’t registered with the secretary of state.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to part with their money with the promise of high returns. These scams often involve unregistered businesses and lack of customer service. The fraudsters usually disappear after receiving the money, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams trick people into handing over their money with promise of high returns. These scams often appear as business proposals, currency trading, or opportunities in new technology. Scammers use persuasive tactics. They can appear legitimate by using professional brochures and websites. They may claim that their offer is risk-free. They often use high-pressure sales tactics, insisting that you must invest now or miss out. They typically promise high returns for low risks. They may say that their opportunity is only available to a select few. This exclusivity can make the offer seem more enticing. But remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In reality, the money paid by investors is not being invested. Instead, it's used to pay the scammer or to pay returns to earlier investors. This unsustainable model is a hallmark of a scam known as a Ponzi Scheme


Kochcryptotrade.com has been flagged as an investment scam. It lures people in with promises of significant returns, only for the fraudsters to disappear with their deposits. Interestingly, the company doesn’t have a trace on any well-known consumer review platforms. The images displayed on their website also fail to accurately represent the services they claim to […]


Newcoastereveryday.com, which has been in operation for 57 days at the time of reporting, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The website lacks direct customer service via phone, a feature commonly present in reliable online retailers. The content displayed on the site is not original and the products it offers are not authentic. […]


Saletoolstore.com has come under scrutiny for its dubious operations. With only 52 days of existence, it has already been flagged as a fraudulent online store. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the website’s data reveals similarities with other sites, implying that the content […]


Countrycollectablesbright.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products shown on this site are not genuine and could potentially pose safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their creation. It’s clear that the content of the website is not unique, as it closely mirrors other similar sites. The website was only […]


Forexalpha.ltd, a website that’s been active for just 141 days, is involved in a forex scam. The site lacks a customer support phone number, making it difficult for users to seek assistance. Furthermore, the company’s absence on social media platforms raises eyebrows. The website promises high returns on investments, but the reality is quite different. […]

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