2 years ago


Fake stores

On February 21, 2023, Superti.shop was classified as a counterfeit website. This website is a replica of costco.com and is believed to be intended for phishing scams.

It is strongly advised that consumers refrain from accessing this website and refrain from providing any personal or financial information under any circumstances.


Red Flags

Copycat content

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No contact page
No disclaimers
No reviews
No social media
No terms & conditions
Fraudulent copycat websites are becoming increasingly pervasive - they are created by scammers to trick unsuspecting users into providing sensitive personal and financial information. These counterfeit websites are designed to mimic legitimate sites like BestBuy, Walmart, or Costco and appear convincing, complete with logos, images and product descriptions. However, if you look closely, you'll spot tell-tale signs like a different URL, misspelled words, or a different color scheme which betrays the fact that it's a replica. Techniques such as phishing emails and social media ads then drive people to these replica websites. Once on the website, users enter their personal and financial information, which the scammers then use for illegal purposes such as identity theft, fraud and unauthorized purchases. Such websites are serious threats as they can be used to steal money from bank accounts, make unauthorized purchases, or even replicate the user's identity. Nothing is beyond the reach of these scammers, emphasising the importance of being vigilant and recognizing the signs of a fraudulent website.


Bitcoirex.com tricks people into investing money with promises of big returns. Once you invest, they vanish with your cash. The phone numbers listed on their site don’t work. When this report was made, the website had only been around for 80 days. No reviews could be found on popular consumer review sites. Their social media […]


Our investigation reveals that Samwaters.top isn’t a genuine shopping platform. Instead, it falls under the category of sham online stores. Our research shows that the site’s content lacks creativity, seeming to mirror other, similar sites. The images on the site do not truthfully represent the items they’re selling. The goods this site offers are counterfeit, […]


Issimoartisanal.com operates a fraudulent store. The products sold here are not genuine and might be dangerous because of the poor-quality materials used in making them. This company lacks any presence on social media. It also doesn’t have any reviews on major consumer review sites. You won’t find a customer service phone number on the site. […]


Roslandcapitalinv.com has been flagged as a scam. They promise high returns on your money, but once you invest, they disappear with your cash. The phone numbers listed on their site don’t work, and the address they provide doesn’t exist. When authorities discovered the scam, the site had been active for just 50 days. They barely […]


Bitsbasis.org has been flagged as an investment scam. The site promises big returns on your money, but once you send it, the scammers take it and vanish. Major review platforms have no reviews for this site. The scam was uncovered when the site was just 13 days old. There’s no customer service phone number listed. […]

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