8 months ago


Crypto scams

Orbitnitro.com, a newly launched website of only 78 days, has been flagged for suspicious activity. It’s working as a cryptocurrency exchange, but signs point to it being a scam. They lure potential investors with the promise of hefty profits. But once the investment is made, the money disappears into thin air, with the scammers nowhere to be found. A thorough search of popular social media platforms yielded no results for the company. The business name they purport to operate under isn’t registered in the state they claim as their home base.

A crypto exchange scam involves a deceptive operation promising large profits to potential investors. They claim to function as a cryptocurrency exchange platform. However, once an individual invests their money, the scammers take it and become untraceable, leaving the investor at a loss.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
Crypto exchange scams are schemes where fraudsters pretend to be legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. They usually have polished websites and promise high returns or special deals. These scammers often lure victims by promising low fees or free cryptocurrency. Sometimes, they might claim to have unique trading bots that guarantee profits. The goal is to convince you to deposit your cryptocurrency on their platform. Once you've deposited your coins, they suddenly become unresponsive. The customer service goes silent and the platform may not even let you withdraw your funds. Before long, the website disappears entirely, along with your crypto. In some cases, these scams involve 'pump and dump' tactics. They artificially inflate the value of a specific coin, encouraging you to buy it. As soon as you've invested, they sell all their shares, causing the price to plummet and you to lose your investment. Crypto exchange scams exploit the trust of users and the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency. It's a type of fraud that's increasing and becoming more sophisticated in the digital age.


Antgpttrade.com, a newly established website, is orchestrating a crypto scam. The domain name, which is only 120 days old, lacks a customer service phone number. The company purports to operate under a business name that isn’t registered in the state they claim to be based in. Despite having social media accounts, the company has no […]


Mjjoneshop.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products advertised on this platform are fake, making them potentially hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website was only 29 days old when identified. Noticeably, there’s no customer service contact number provided on their website. The content of the website […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Harylilyshop.com, alleging it’s part of a collection scam. The items offered on the site are not genuine and pose potential harm due to the subpar materials used in their creation. The business location listed on the site is not real. It has been suggested that the website’s management is based […]


Salehouseitem.com, despite its young age of just 42 days, has been unmasked as a fraudulent online store. A glaring lack of customer service contact, specifically a phone number, raises the first red flag. Further investigation reveals a striking resemblance in content to other websites, pointing towards content plagiarism. The products offered on this website are […]


Consumers have reported Iforexoption24.com for engaging in a forex scam. The website is relatively new, only being 40 days old when it was discovered. Unfortunately, there is no phone number provided for customer service on the site. The scammers behind this operation make enticing promises of rapid financial growth, but once you invest your money, […]

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