11 months ago


Fake stores

People have accused Stockshowerroom.com of orchestrating a counterfeit store scam. With just 56 days since its establishment, the site has already faced criticism. Surprisingly, there’s no customer service phone number provided on the website. This lack of basic communication tool raises questions about their credibility.

Further, it’s been observed that the website’s content seems eerily similar to content found on other websites, casting doubts on its originality. The products they advertise are of questionable authenticity and could potentially be hazardous due to the subpar materials used in their production.

Stock images are used to represent their products, instead of actual photos. This raises another red flag. Lastly, the site contains several incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text, another indication of its unprofessionalism.

A fake store scam is essentially an online retail outlet that falsely represents itself as legitimate. They typically offer items for sale but deliver counterfeit products, or in some cases, nothing at all. These scams often use copied content and stock images to make the site appear more professional and credible. They often lack basic customer service features such as a contact number, and the overall quality of the site (like incomplete pages) usually reveals its true nature.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam involves an online shop pretending to sell legitimate products. Typically, these bogus businesses lure customers with attractive offers. They use high-quality images of popular products at unbelievably low prices. These scammers often create professional-looking websites with user-friendly interfaces. They provide complete product descriptions, customer reviews, and secure payment options. All these elements make these stores look credible and trustworthy. The scammers behind these fake stores use various tactics to deceive their customers. They might claim to have limited stock or use countdown timers to create a sense of urgency. This encourages customers to make quick purchases without examining the store's authenticity. Once the payment is made, the customer either receives a counterfeit product or nothing at all. In both cases, the scammers are long gone with the money, leaving the customer with no recourse. They typically vanish, only to reappear under a new name and continue their fraudulent activities.


Cookwareussales.com, a website that’s barely two months old, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is a glaring red flag. The images displayed on the site are not genuine, further raising suspicion. We also observed multiple pages on the site that are still under construction, filled […]


People have blown the whistle on Koinchamber.com, suggesting it’s operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They purport that investing with them is highly lucrative; however, once you hand over your money, the swindlers vanish without a trace. Strikingly, the company lacks a notable digital footprint on social media platforms. Whatsmore, no contact number for customer service […]


Customers have flagged Jooshoes.shop for engaging in fraudulent retail activities. The shady dealings were unearthed when the website was barely 22 days into operation. A glaring omission on the website is the absence of a customer service phone number. Content on this webpage bears an uncanny resemblance to that on similar platforms, raising suspicions of […]


The website New-inaccessorykit.com was recently found to be orchestrating a counterfeit store scheme. The website, which is just a little over three months old, is engaging in the sale of inauthentic items. The items sold on this platform are not only fake, but they also have the potential to harm due to the substandard materials […]


Coinexexcg.com operates a crypto scam. The site promises high returns on investments. Yet, the operators abscond with the funds once invested. The company lacks a significant presence on social media platforms. Numerous pages on the site remain underdeveloped, filled with unmodified content and placeholder notes. The partnerships the company boasts of online, are mere fabrications. […]

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