2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Srglife.com is running a crypto exchange scam. No reviews for the company appear on popular consumer review sites. They promise your investment will grow a lot, but after you invest, the scammers take the money and vanish. When this report was made, the website was 103 days old. It has no followers on social media. The content on this website looks copied, as it closely matches that of other similar websites. The business name isn’t registered with the state it claims to be in.

A crypto exchange scam tricks people into investing money with promises of high returns, only for the scammers to disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms posing as legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. These scams often promise high returns on investments to lure in unsuspecting individuals. Scammers create professional-looking websites that mimic real exchanges. They use fake testimonials and endorsements to build trust. Scammers may also offer bonuses or incentives for depositing funds quickly. Once users deposit their money, they find it impossible to withdraw or access their funds. Some scams involve phishing tactics, where fake emails or messages direct victims to counterfeit exchange sites. These sites then steal login credentials and personal information. Scammers may also impersonate customer support to trick users into revealing sensitive information.


Liveaccesstrade.com, a relatively new website, is under scrutiny for running an investment scam. Despite being only 98 days old, it has already raised eyebrows due to its dubious practices. The site promises significant profits from investments, but once the investment is made, the money seems to disappear into thin air, leaving the investor high and […]


Aztino.com is operating a sham store. The website was only registered recently – as of this report, the domain is merely 59 days old. A closer look at the site’s content reveals that it lacks originality, with much of it appearing to mirror material from other comparable websites. The company’s presence on social media platforms, […]


Our investigation has revealed that Jurisresolve.com is involved in a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, which is a mere 84 days old, is not registered in the state it claims to be operating from. Furthermore, the business address provided on the website is not genuine. The reviews showcased on the website are not from actual […]


Our observations indicate Runningshoess.shop functioning as a fraudulent online store. Uncovered in its infancy, the website was merely 25 days old. A glaring absence is the customer service contact number on the website. The content, far from unique, mirrors that of similar sites. Items advertised on the site lack authenticity and may pose risks due […]


On February 20, 2023, Surfsnowsports.com was reported as a fraudulent online store. The domain name is newly registered and was 102 days old at the time of the complaint, with a registration date of November 4, 2022. The website’s ownership is concealed through a third-party privacy service, and all data collected by the website is […]

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