7 months ago


Fake stores

Jessicasale.com, a relatively new website, has been flagged for running a counterfeit store scam. With the site being only 91 days old at the point when it was discovered, it raises suspicions about the legitimacy of its operations. This is further amplified by the fact that the images on the website are found to be unauthentic. A myriad of indicators also point towards the possibility of it being operated from China, rather being domestically operated as claimed. The merchandise on this site is fabricated, posing potential risks due to the inferior quality materials used in its production. The business also seems to lack a legitimate registration in the state it alleges to operate from.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as an authentic online store. This website sells counterfeit or non-existent products, often using stolen images and descriptions from legitimate sites. The aim is to mislead customers, take their money and potentially harvest their personal and financial information.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where scammers create a bogus online store. They design it to look like a legitimate business. Sometimes they copy the look of well-known brands. The intention is to trick consumers into purchasing non-existent products. Scammers often promise high-quality goods at incredibly low prices. They use these too-good-to-be-true deals to lure in unsuspecting shoppers. Typically, these fake stores will have a wide range of products. They claim to be selling everything from electronics to clothing and accessories. The scammers behind these fake stores use a variety of tactics to deceive people. They might employ fake customer reviews and testimonials. They could use stolen images and product descriptions. Often, they insist on payment methods that lack buyer protection. Such as wire transfers or gift cards. Once payment has been made, the consumer receives nothing. The fake store disappears overnight, leaving no trace behind. The consumer is left with a lighter wallet and no recourse for getting their money back.


Our analysis has revealed Qallet.online to be a fraudulent investment scheme. They sell the idea of high returns on your contribution, but once you hand over your money, they vanish. The organization has failed to establish any presence through reviews on well-known consumer review platforms. It’s also noticeable that their social media accounts haven’t attracted […]


Esolarinc.org, a website that’s only been active for 144 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The site lacks a customer support phone number, raising suspicions. The physical address listed for the business is also false, adding to the concerns. Despite having no social media following, the site promises substantial returns on investments. […]


Apgowns.com, a website that has been up and running for just over two months, has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. This conclusion was drawn after several red flags were noticed, including the absence of a customer service contact number. To further raise suspicion, the content featured on the site seems to be duplicated […]


Customers have alerted the public about Quantum-open-ai-pre.com, accusing it of conducting an investment swindle. The company promises huge returns on investments, but once the money is transferred, the fraudsters disappear. Notably, the company has no visible footprint on well-known customer review websites. Moreover, the business lacks social media profiles. Many of the website’s pages are […]


Quantumassetsltd.org has been identified as an investment scam. This website promises high returns on your initial investment, but once you deposit your money, the scammers disappear with it. Many web pages on the site are still under construction and contain default and placeholder text. The collaborations mentioned on the company’s website are fraudulent. The images […]

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