8 months ago


Investment scams

The website, The-bestfat.live, has come under suspicion for conducting a fraudulent investment scheme. The website promises its users substantial returns on their investments. However, once the funds are transferred, the fraudsters vanish without a trace. Interestingly, the website was only 78 days old when the scam was first detected. A significant red flag is the lack of a customer support phone number on the website. In addition, the images used on the website are counterfeit, further raising suspicions about its authenticity. To add to this, the website has zero followers on any social media platforms, which is unusual for a legitimate business.

An investment scam is an unlawful act where fraudsters trick individuals into putting their money into fake investment opportunities. They typically promise high returns with little to no risk, but once the funds are transferred, the scammer often disappears completely.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive schemes designed to cheat people out of their money. Scammers make them appear as legitimate investment opportunities. They often promise high returns with little to no risk. Scammers use a variety of tactics to appear credible. They may establish a professional-looking website, use technical jargon or provide fabricated financial reports. Often, they pressure potential investors to make a decision quickly. This is to avoid giving the victim time for closer scrutiny or consultation. Also, many of these scams involve unregistered securities - a common red flag. One common type of investment scam is the Ponzi scheme. Here, returns for older investors are paid with the money from new investors, not from profits. This scheme collapses when no new investors come in, leaving many people with significant losses. Some scams even manipulate stock prices. This known as "pump and dump" scam. Scammers buy cheap stock, then inflate the price by promoting the stock heavily. Once the price goes up, they sell their shares then stop promotions, causing the price to plummet and investors to lose money. In summary, investment scams cleverly designed to trick people into losing their money.


Batesshoesshop.com is currently operating a fraudulent online shop. This scam was discovered when the website was just 51 days into its existence. One noticeable red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number on the site. Moreover, the images used on the site are misleading and do not accurately depict the products being […]


Coinprotrading.com operates a crypto exchange fraud. Discovering the deceit occurred merely 24 days after the website’s creation. They dangle the lure of considerable profit on your investment. Yet, once you put your money in, the fraudsters run off with your cash. The website lacks a social media presence. They don’t provide a customer service number […]


It appears that Createhandtool.com is running a deceptive operation, posing as an authentic online store when it is not. The website, which was established 91 days prior to this report, is not an accurate representation of the products it claims to sell. The merchandise showcased on this site misrepresents the actual items, which could potentially […]


Digitalxmanagement.ltd has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The site entices potential investors with promises of high returns, only for the fraudsters to disappear with the invested funds. Several sections of the website are still under construction, filled with pre-set text and content placeholders. The partnerships showcased on the site are entirely fictitious. Furthermore, […]


Goldenfxoptions.com is engaging in fraudulent investment activities. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you transfer the funds, the fraudsters vanish with your money. A closer look at their website reveals several incomplete pages filled with default content and placeholder text, indicating a lack of professionalism. The partnerships they claim to have on […]

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