The website known as is reportedly a part of a counterfeit store scheme. It’s a relatively new website, having been registered just 47 days prior to this investigation. There’s no contact number listed for customer service, leaving customers without a direct line for queries or complaints. A large portion of the website’s pages are still under development, filled with standard content and temporary text placeholders. Despite being in operation, it’s surprising to note, the company hasn’t garnered any reviews on well-known consumer review platforms. Moreover, they seem to be absent from social media entirely, which is unusual for businesses today. The items displayed through photos on the site, do not accurately represent the products they are selling. The content found on the website is far from unique, which suggests that it has likely been copied from other similar websites.
A fake store scam involves a website that is designed to look like a legitimate online shop but is actually a fraud. The site will typically display products that are highly desired or offered at incredibly low prices to attract victims. Once a purchase is made, the scammer either doesn’t send the product or sends a poor-quality item.