3 months ago


Fake stores

We’ve found that Outlet-castelli.com is running a fake store scam. The products they sell are fake and could be unsafe due to cheap materials. There’s no phone number for customer service on their site. The website is new, only 64 days old when we checked. The address they list for the business is wrong. Plus, the company isn’t on social media at all. Be careful if you come across this site, as it might not be trustworthy. Always check for signs like these before making a purchase online.

A fake store scam tricks people into buying counterfeit goods online, often using a newly made website with no contact info or social media.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam involves setting up a fraudulent online store that mimics a legitimate one. Scammers create websites that look professional and offer attractive deals on products. These sites often have a wide range of items, from electronics to clothing, at prices significantly lower than market rates. Scammers promise fast shipping and high-quality products to lure in customers. They may use fake customer reviews and testimonials to build trust. Some even copy logos and branding from real companies to appear authentic. Payment methods are usually limited to non-refundable options, such as wire transfers or gift cards. Once a purchase is made, the scammers either send counterfeit goods or nothing at all. They often disappear without a trace, leaving victims with no recourse.


Consumers have flagged Premiuminvst.online as a fraudulent investment platform. The website lures people with the promise of hefty profits on their initial investments, but it’s just a ruse by scammers to pocket the deposited money and vanish. Many of the website’s pages are incomplete, filled with preset content and placeholder text, indicating a lack of […]


Newsreviewsinfo.com tricks people into fake investments. They copy content from other sites and list a fake business address. Foreign entities or individuals run the site. The contact numbers don’t work. They promise big returns on initial investments, but it’s just a scam. Once they get your money, they vanish without a trace. An investment scam […]


On February 20, 2023, Surfsnowsports.com was reported as a fraudulent online store. The domain name is newly registered and was 102 days old at the time of the complaint, with a registration date of November 4, 2022. The website’s ownership is concealed through a third-party privacy service, and all data collected by the website is […]


Customers have raised concerns about Bathroom-space.com, alleging it’s a fraudulent online store. A thorough examination of the website revealed numerous under-construction pages with placeholder content and markers. It’s also worth noting that the company’s social media accounts have no followers. The website is relatively new, with its domain name registered a mere 49 days ago […]


Vaaret.shop is a scam. The website’s content looks suspicious and doesn’t match other legitimate sites. They sell copied goods that might be unsafe due to poor materials. Many pages on the site are incomplete and filled with placeholder text. You won’t find any social media links or activity connected to this website. A fake store […]

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