10 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have raised red flags about Shopbornboutique.shop, accusing it of operating a counterfeit store fraud. People started noticing the scam within just a month of the website’s launch. The content on this website appears to be plagiarized from other sites, stripping it of any originality. Furthermore, the images showcased on the site are not authentic. Many pages on the site are still in the preliminary phase, populated with generic content and placeholder entries. The company’s presence is nowhere to be found on any social media platforms, causing further suspicion.

A fake store scam is when a fictitious online shop is created to deprive unsuspecting customers of their money. These stores lure customers with attractive deals, collect payment but never ship the products. Often, they disappear overnight leaving no trace behind.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent activity where scammers create a counterfeit online store. They design it to look like a legitimate business. They use this facade to deceive buyers. The intention is to take money without providing any goods or services in return. These fraudsters often use catchy ads or too-good-to-be-true deals to attract customers. They may advertise popular products at significantly lower prices. These tactics lure unsuspecting consumers into their trap. Once the customer makes a purchase, the scammer gets their money. The customer, however, never receives the product they paid for. In worst-case scenarios, these fake online stores also steal personal and financial information. They use this data for further illegal activities. Being aware of such scams is crucial. Always check the credibility of online stores before making purchases. Read customer reviews, look for secure payment options and avoid stores that only offer untraceable payment methods. Be wary of prices that seem too low to be true, as they often are. Stay safe online.


Nearlynewlywed.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The goods offered on this site are not original, but rather copies, which could potentially be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The absence of any social media presence raises further suspicions about the legitimacy of this site. Numerous incomplete pages filled […]


Homewarehot.com, an online shopping portal, has unfortunately been identified as a fraudulent operation. The images of the products featured on the site are misleading, as they do not represent the actual items sold. Interestingly, this scam was unearthed when the website was a mere 91 days old. The website’s administration appears to be managed from […]


Feitelectrice.com, a relatively new online platform, is involved in a deceptive scheme. The website, only 91 days old, has been found to be operating a fake store scam. It trades in counterfeit goods, which may pose risks due to the inferior quality of the components used to make them. The website’s administration appears to be […]


Joyasbestshop.com, a recently launched website, is under scrutiny for being a fraudulent online store. The domain name, at the time of the report, was a mere 128 days old. The site lacks a customer service phone number and does not display an official business name. It also fails to provide accurate images of the products […]


Digitaltrade.net has gained notoriety as a deceptive crypto exchange platform. The website, in its infancy with a recent registration, is barely 26 days old. Fast growth of personal funds is a promise made by them, but in reality, it’s a trap where the scammers pocket your investment and disappear. A noticeable absence of social media […]

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