Originatefashion.com, a website that has been operating for only 94 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The reviews that are displayed on the site are not genuine, but rather, have been fabricated. Furthermore, the images that are used to represent the products sold on the site do not accurately depict what the customer will receive. It has been determined that the website is managed from China. The products that are advertised on the site are not only counterfeit, but they may also pose a risk to consumers due to the poor quality of the materials used in their production.
A fake store scam is an online scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate retail store. They display products for sale that are often counterfeit or non-existent. The scammer takes the customer’s money but never delivers the promised goods. This type of scam can be particularly deceptive because the website may appear professional and authentic, and may even feature fake customer reviews to add to its credibility.