9 months ago


Fake stores

The website Offertemobili.com has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. The items showcased on this digital platform are counterfeit, potentially posing a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. When discovered, the site was a mere 81 days old. There were no reviews for the company on well-known consumer review platforms. The site does not have a presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, the images displayed on the site do not accurately depict the products being sold.

A fake store scam is when an online shop pretends to sell products but in reality, they’re either non-existent or of very poor quality. The aim is to deceive customers into paying for these items, often using attractive prices or deals as bait. The scammer then either doesn’t deliver the product or delivers a substandard one.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam happens when cybercriminals create an online shopping site that mirrors a legitimate one. It appears real, often with professional-looking logos and graphics. But upon closer scrutiny, there are signs of deceit. These scams typically offer products at significantly reduced prices. The intention is to trick the visitors into believing they've found a bargain. Scammers use marketing tactics such as limited time offers or stock shortages to rush buyers into making a purchase. Once the unsuspecting shopper makes a purchase, their credit card details fall into the hands of these scammers. This situation can lead to unauthorized charges or identity theft. In some cases, the buyer will receive a counterfeit product, something of lesser quality, or nothing at all! The scammer often uses fake reviews to reassure potential buyers. The reviews will praise the product and service, creating a false sense of security. It's important to note that these reviews are fabricated and are part of the scam scheme.


Renuktech.com, a newly established website, has received numerous complaints from consumers who have fallen victim to its investment scheme. Apparently, the enticing promise of high returns on investments is nothing but a trap. Once an individual invests, the fraudsters behind the site pocket the money and disappear. Unfortunately, this website doesn’t have any social media […]


Babyworldchic.com, a website that’s been active for just 52 days, is orchestrating a counterfeit store scam. It appears to be based in China, and the products offered on the site are not genuine. The low-quality materials used in their production could potentially pose risks. The pictures displayed on the site are not authentic, adding to […]


Machrusa.shop is operating a fraudulent retail scheme. This illicit activity came to light when the website had been in operation for only a month. Notably absent on the site is a customer service phone number. The website uses imitation strategies, replicating content from similar pages. Items available on the webpage are counterfeit, potentially posing risks […]


On February 26, 2023, Fastprofitpayoutfx.com was categorized as a crypto scam. The website was recently registered on June 19, 2022, and exhibits all the telltale signs of a typical crypto scam. The site is incomplete, with many generic sections, and the names and photos of the founders, CEOs, and managers are all fabricated. The address […]


Cryptosventures.xyz is involved in a fraudulent investment scheme. The site gives off an impression of promising high returns on investments, however, upon contributing, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. Despite the company’s lack of a solid presence on social media, it continues to operate. Many pages on their website are still in the process […]

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