8 months ago


Crypto scams

Luminaryoption.com has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. It lures investors with the promise of substantial profits. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the funds. This scam came to light when the website was just 84 days old. The site purports to operate under a business name that lacks registration with the state secretary. Several pages on the site are still under construction, populated with pre-set content and placeholder text. Notably, there are no reviews available on any major review platforms.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a fake cryptocurrency exchange entices investors with the promise of high returns. Once the investment is made, the scammers disappear with the funds, leaving the investor with significant losses. These scams often operate under unregistered business names and lack legitimate reviews.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
Crypto exchange scams are fraudulent schemes. They are designed to deceive people into investing in digital currency. Scammers lure victims with the promise of high returns. They claim these returns are guaranteed and risk-free. In reality, the returns don't exist. These scams often use sophisticated websites. These sites mimic legitimate crypto exchanges. They use technical jargon to appear credible. They often require immediate payment. Payment is usually in cryptocurrency. The scammers may use social media for promotion. They make fake endorsements from celebrities. They use aggressive marketing tactics and pressure techniques. These are designed to make people act quickly. Once the funds are transferred, the scammers disappear. Victims are left with no way to recover their money. It is a classic case of too good to be true.


Lombardoutlet.com, a website only 143 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. It lacks a customer service phone number, a crucial element for any legitimate business. The site uses counterfeit images, further raising suspicions about its authenticity. Additionally, the company has practically no presence on social media platforms. Surprisingly, there are no […]


Crescent-capitals.com, a relatively new website, is involved in a cryptocurrency scam. They promise substantial returns on investments, but instead, they pocket the money and vanish. The website was only 80 days old when the scam was uncovered. Despite claiming to operate under a registered business name, no such registration exists with the secretary of state. […]


Consumers have raised red flags about Orion-cap.org, accusing it of being an investment swindle. They lure people in with the promise of high returns on their investments. However, after the money is put in, the swindlers disappear, taking your hard-earned money with them. The physical address they state on the website turns out to be […]


Universal-expertfx.com has been found to be perpetrating a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure unsuspecting victims with promises of hefty returns on investments. However, once the money is invested, the fraudsters disappear, leaving the investor high and dry. The company also lacks significant representation in terms of customer reviews on major review websites. Surprisingly, it is […]


Coin-spot.org stands accused of running a cryptocurrency exchange hoax. The recent establishment of the website raises alarms; it has just marked its 29th day since registration. Promises of hefty profits lure in unsuspecting victims, only for their deposits to disappear into thin air. The website lacks a contact number for queries or complaints. Unfinished webpages […]

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