5 months ago


Crypto scams

The website Verifiedoptmarket.com is engaging in fraudulent activities related to cryptocurrency. When the scam was first identified, the website was a mere 109 days old. A noticeable red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. The site promises substantial financial returns from investments, however, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The business location listed on the website is fictitious. Furthermore, the reviews showcased on the site are not authentic and do not originate from actual customers.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers trick individuals into investing in cryptocurrencies with the promise of high returns. However, once the investment is made, the scammers disappear with the money, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
Crypto scams are fraudulent schemes. They promise high returns from investments in digital currencies. Scammers are savvy. They use complex terms and technologies to confuse victims. Their promises are often too good to be true. They guarantee immediate wealth or financial freedom. These promises are often accompanied by aggressive marketing. Scammers may also claim to have insider information. The tactics used by these scammers are diverse. They often create fake websites and social media profiles. Fake testimonials are used to add credibility. Some may even impersonate legitimate crypto businesses or individuals. Scammers often pressure victims. They create a sense of urgency to invest. They may tell victims that opportunities are limited or time-sensitive. This is done to rush victims into making decisions without proper research or consideration. Remember, these scams often result in loss of investment. The scammers either disappear or the promised returns never materialize. It is always important to be cautious when dealing with investments in the crypto space.


Fx-investmentminers.com is a reported investment scam. They promise high returns on your investment, but in reality, they take your money and disappear. The website is incomplete, with many pages still under construction and filled with generic text. The partnerships they claim to have are not real. The pictures they show on the site do not […]


Climbingoff.com, a website that’s only been active for 39 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The evidence is compelling, pointing to the fact that the website is managed from China. The business name, interestingly, isn’t registered in the state it purports to be based in. The company’s absence on social media platforms […]


Kuritzy.com, a website that recently emerged, is found to be operating a counterfeit store scam. Having been registered only 92 days prior to this report, the site has already raised a number of red flags. Significant evidence points to the website’s roots in China, as the images used do not accurately represent the merchandise on […]


According to reports, Tradexda.com, a relatively new website, barely 79 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent platform set up to swindle unsuspecting cryptocurrency investors. They promise huge returns on investments but once you deposit your funds, they disappear without a trace. An extensive search for reviews on major platforms yielded no results, suggesting […]


People have reported Us-optoutdoor.com as a fraudulent online store. The website, which was registered not too long ago, is only 95 days old as of this report. A search for a customer service contact number comes up empty. The business address listed on the site is nowhere to be found in reality. The company’s presence […]

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