2 months ago


Investment scams

Kryptoharbor.com, a mere 141 days old, has been flagged as an investment scam. The customer service numbers provided on the site are unresponsive, and the listed business address is incorrect. Despite promising substantial returns on investments, the website lacks a social media following and has no reviews on major consumer platforms. When you invest, instead of seeing the promised gains, the fraudsters disappear with your money.

An investment scam involves a scheme where fraudsters promise high returns on investments, but instead of delivering on these promises, they take the invested money and disappear.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive practices. They lure people into making investments with promises of high returns. The scammers may claim that their scheme is low risk. They might assert that the opportunity is exclusive or time-sensitive. Scammers often use persuasive language. They may seem highly knowledgeable about finance. They could use complex jargon to confuse potential victims. In some cases, they create fake companies. They establish professional-looking websites. They may even provide fake documentation to appear legitimate. The goal is to trick people into investing their money. Once the money is transferred, the scammer disappears. The victim is left with significant financial loss.


Alphatrading.live stands accused of investment fraud. The website, known for its enticing promises of hefty investment returns, serves as a smokescreen. Scammers operate behind the scenes, pocketing any money deposited before vanishing without a trace. The so-called reviews on the site don’t come from genuine users. When first spotted, the website was a mere 25 […]


Edgyhub-opt.com, an online shop, is operating a deceptive scheme. They sell counterfeit goods, which could be potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The website, only 91 days old at the time of this investigation, lacks a customer service phone number. There’s also evidence of content theft, as the site appears […]


Cryptoforexminingcompany.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. The site, which was only 106 days old when the scam was discovered, promises high returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money. The website lacks a customer service contact number, which is a red flag. […]


Our research has revealed that E-fidel.net is not a legitimate investment platform. Despite promising high returns on investments, the reality is quite different. Once you invest your money, it is taken by the scammers who then vanish without a trace. The physical address provided for the business is non-existent. Additionally, the contact numbers listed on […]


Mignane.com, a relatively new website, has been exposed for operating a counterfeit store scam. Discovered just 67 days after its creation, the website was found to be using fraudulent images. Its pages are incomplete, filled with preset content and placeholder text. The company’s presence on social media is virtually non-existent, raising further suspicion. Despite its […]

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