5 months ago


Crypto scams

Cryptogetx.com, a recently launched website, has come under scrutiny for potentially being a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The domain name was registered a mere 81 days ago at the time of this report. Interestingly, the site does not provide a customer service phone number, raising further doubts about its legitimacy. While promising significant profits from investments, it appears that the money invested simply disappears, presumably pocketed by the scammers. The website claims to operate under a business name that, curiously, is not registered in the state they purport to be based in. Furthermore, there are no reviews available for the website outside of their own pages, and the company appears to have no presence on social media.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent website that poses as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. These scams lure in potential investors with promises of high returns. However, once the investment is made, the scammers abscond with the money, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam targets cryptocurrency traders and investors. Scammers present a digital platform purporting to trade digital assets. It often appears legitimate, boasting advanced features and security measures. Scammers commonly promise extraordinary returns on investment. These can range from high-interest rates to doubling initial deposits. Some may even claim to have insider trading information, guaranteeing profits. The aim is to lure individuals into depositing their funds into the scam platform. Once funds are deposited victims may find it impossible to withdraw their money. Scammers use various tactics, such as imposing sudden withdrawal fees or freezing accounts without warning. Another trick is the "pump and dump" scheme where scammers inflate the price of a worthless crypto, encouraging people to invest then selling off their own holdings, causing the value to plummet. Remember, if its sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always perform thorough due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency exchange.


Redrockinvestment.net operates a crypto exchange scam. This website, freshly registered, carries a mere 23-day-old domain at the time of report. Despite promises of high profit, the scammers vanish with investors’ money once investment is made. It lacks a customer support contact number. False reviews from imaginary individuals are promoted. It showcases a fabricated business address. […]


We have found evidence indicating that Stockprofitfx247.com is running an investment scam. They make enticing promises of high profits in exchange for your investment, but once you’ve given them your money, the scammers disappear without a trace. The pictures displayed on their website are deceitful, as they are not genuine. An analysis of the website’s […]


Reports have come in about Thewalkingdeals.com, indicating that it may be involved in fraudulent activities. Social media platforms show no trace of this company, raising more suspicions about its legitimacy. The official business name is oddly missing from the website, another red flag. Numerous unfinished pages litter the website, brimming with default content and placeholder […]


Our investigation has revealed that Trustnap.net is engaging in fraudulent investment practices. The site promises substantial returns on your investments, but once you transfer your funds, they are misappropriated by fraudsters and vanish into thin air. Several sections of the website are not yet fully operational, containing nothing more than placeholder text and default content, […]


Findsalecosershop.com, a recently launched website, is purportedly involved in a fraudulent online store scheme. The domain was registered just three months ago, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. Despite offering a wide array of products, the quality of the materials used to make them is questionable, making any purchases potentially risky. Evidence points to the website […]

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