2 months ago


Fake stores

People have reported Jeannehot.com for operating a fraudulent online store. When this information surfaced, the website had been active for 143 days. Interestingly, the site lacks a customer service phone number. It’s also worth noting that the products on display are represented by stock images. Furthermore, the company barely has a presence on social media platforms.

A fake store scam is when a deceptive website pretends to sell products or services. They often use stock images for their items and lack customer service contact information. These sites may not have a strong social media presence and typically don’t deliver the products promised.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive scheme where fraudsters create a fake online store. They lure victims with attractive deals on popular products. The store looks legitimate, with product descriptions, images, and customer reviews. The scammers often offer products at significantly lower prices than other retailers. They may also promise free shipping or other enticing deals. The goal is to trick you into making a purchase. Once payment is made, the scammers either never send the product or send a counterfeit or inferior product. They may also use your payment information for other fraudulent activities. This is the way they operate. The scammers often disappear, shutting down the fake store and starting a new one. They continue this cycle, scamming more people.


We’ve found that Hashgain.biz is functioning as a scam, promising significant returns on investments. However, once individuals invest their money, the fraudsters pocket it and disappear. The company has a virtually invisible social media footprint. It’s clear that numerous pages on the website are still under construction, filled with placeholder text and markers. The partnerships […]


Fidelityearn.org, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. Despite being in operation for less than 100 days, the site promises significant returns on investments. However, once investors deposit their money, the fraudsters behind the site disappear with the funds. An absence of a customer service contact number raises further suspicions […]


Firrelly.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. This digital platform, only 91 days old at the time of reporting, is known to sell counterfeit products that could potentially be unsafe due to the inferior materials used in their production. It’s suspected that the website is managed from China, based […]


A website known as Bit-dev.info is currently operating an investment fraud scheme. The website, which was only established 35 days ago, entices investors with the promise of high returns on their initial investment. However, the reality is that the money deposited by investors is taken by fraudsters who then disappear. Despite its online presence, the […]


Locounique.com operates a fraudulent online store. The deceitful activities of the website were identified when it was merely 19 days into operation. There is an absence of a customer service phone line on the site. The products offered on this website are counterfeit and may pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials […]

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