1 year ago


Crypto scams

On February 23, 2023, Givexes.com was flagged as a crypto scam. Despite only being registered on February 19, 2023, the website received its first complaint just four days later. The ownership of the site is obscured through the use of a third-party privacy service, and the physical location of the business is unknown. The provided address is fake, and although Givexes.com claims to be based in Australia, there is no available customer support number for users to contact.

Red Flags

Foreign company
New website
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No contact page
No reviews
No social media
Cryptocurrency scammers have devised a new method of deception by creating phony crypto exchange websites in order to swindle users. These sites are designed with an aesthetic meant to deceive the public into believing they are legitimate. The scammers often copy the look and feel of established exchanges, incorporate fake customer reviews, and provide appealing incentives to get people to part with their coins. The typical pattern starts by convincing a customer to supply their funds which are then instantly directed to the scammers' wallets and the customer is unable to receive their own money. To make the scam appear even more convincing, the crooks may mask their sites with domains sharing similar names with real exchanges, temporarily offer low fees and referral bonuses, or delay withdrawal requests. Above all, it is essential to review any unknown exchange before providing any of your funds.


Chimneycrickets.shop is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they claim to sell. The content on the site lacks uniqueness and seems to be a direct copy from similar websites. The products sold on this site are not genuine […]


Levinehatus.shop, a relatively new website at just 31 days old, has been identified as perpetuating a counterfeit store scam. The site lacks key customer service features, such as a contact phone number, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. Doubt also surrounds the originality of its content, which shows striking similarities to other websites, suggesting it may […]


Customers have flagged Lovessport.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The material on this site lacks originality. The assortment of products advertised on this platform is dubious and could pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. The pictures displayed on this site do not accurately depict the products […]


Customers have raised complaints about Shopglitz1.shop, alleging that it’s a fraudulent online store. The website is known to use stock images for the products it offers for sale. The items provided on this platform are counterfeit, and their low-quality components could pose potential risks. The content of this site lacks originality. When discovered, the website […]


Samuelhail.com has been flagged as a counterfeit online store. The fraud was discovered when the site was merely 52 days old. There’s no customer service phone number available on the site. The content on the site lacks uniqueness, seemingly copying directly from similar websites. The items offered for sale on this online platform are counterfeit […]

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