8 months ago


Crypto scams

Reliableprofitreturn.net, a recently established website, is reportedly involved in a crypto exchange scam. The site promises substantial returns on investments, enticing users to invest their money. However, once the investment is made, the money is swindled away by the fraudsters behind the scheme. The website, which is only 80 days old at the time of this report, is believed to be managed by an international entity or individuals. Notably, the site does not provide a customer service phone number, further raising suspicions about its legitimacy.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent scheme where a website or platform promises high returns on cryptocurrency investments. However, once the user invests their money, the scammers behind the scheme abscond with the funds, leaving the user with significant losses. These scams are often run by anonymous entities and lack legitimate customer service channels.

Red Flags

Foreign company
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A crypto exchange scam revolves around fraudulent platforms. They present themselves as a place to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies. The layout mimics authentic exchanges, to lure unsuspecting individuals. Common promises include high returns, low fees, and quick profits. Too good to be true offers are a hallmark of these scams. They play on the desire for quick financial gain. Deceptive tactics involve the use of social media and emails for promotion. They entice people with fantastic success stories, often using fake endorsements from celebrities or known figures in the crypto industry. The victims deposit their funds in the scam exchange. Then, the scammers either disappear with the money or manipulate transactions to drain the users' accounts. So, it's a scenario where the promise of quick riches turns into a financial drain: a classic case of crypto exchange scams.


The website, Wfarmersinvestment.com, is running a deceptive investment operation. There is hardly any trace of the company on social media, indicating a lack of legitimacy. Upon visiting the website, one can’t help but notice the numerous “under construction” signs, with pages filled with random text and generic placeholder content. It’s clear that the company’s proclaimed […]


Aluxtrade.org has been accused of being a fraudulent investment platform. The company promises significant growth on your investment, but after you’ve handed over your money, the fraudsters vanish with it. The images shown on the site fail to truthfully represent the product they’re selling. The registration of the website is quite recent, with the domain […]


Shopthebottle.shop, an online store, is currently under suspicion for fraudulent activities. When this information was gathered, the website was just 29 days old. Notably, there’s no customer service phone number available on the site for visitors to use. The website’s content strategy seems to mimic that of other similar sites, raising concerns about potential plagiarism. […]


Global-trade-group.com has been flagged as a potential investment fraud. The company has no presence on social media platforms, which is unusual for a legitimate business in today’s digital age. A closer look at the website reveals several pages that are incomplete, filled with default content and placeholder text. The website itself is fairly new, with […]


Net-a-porteronline.com has been flagged for being a sham. It’s a new website, with its domain name only 56 days old when this report was written. Surprisingly, it doesn’t provide a phone number for customer service. When you explore the site’s content, it’s clear that it lacks originality. It appears to be a carbon copy of […]

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