2 years ago


Pet scams

On March 10, 2023, Gieannasphynxfamily.com was identified as a purported pet breeder and subsequently reported as such.

The website’s ownership is obfuscated by a privacy service and no physical address is discernible on the website. The domain itself is recently registered, having been created on January 10, 2023, and the website has been active for approximately 60 days as of the time of its discovery.

For further details on websites engaged in fraudulent pet-related activities, kindly refer to the subsequent section.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake reviews
New website
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Fake pet breeding websites are online platforms that fraudulently claim to breed and sell pets, such as cats, dogs, birds, and other animals. These websites typically offer popular and expensive breeds at very low prices and entice potential buyers with pictures of adorable and healthy-looking animals. However, the reality is that these websites are often run by scammers who have no intention of selling any pets. They may ask buyers to pay a deposit or full payment upfront and then disappear without delivering any animal. In other cases, they may send an animal that is sick or of a different breed from what was advertised. To protect yourself from falling victim to these scams, here are some signs to watch out for:
  1. No physical address: Fake pet breeding websites often do not have a physical address or location listed on their website. This makes it difficult for buyers to verify the legitimacy of the business.
  2. High-pressure sales tactics: Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to make buyers feel like they have to act fast to secure a pet. They may also offer discounts if payment is made immediately.
  3. Unprofessional website: Fake pet breeding websites may have a poorly designed website, with spelling and grammatical errors, or low-quality images.
  4. Unusual payment methods: Scammers may ask for payment through unusual methods, such as wire transfers or cryptocurrency, which are difficult to trace and recover.
  5. Lack of references: A legitimate breeder will typically provide references or testimonials from previous buyers. If a website has no such references or they cannot be verified, this may be a red flag.
In summary, it is important to be cautious when dealing with online pet breeders. To avoid being scammed, do your research, ask for references, and never send payment without verifying the legitimacy of the business.


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