7 months ago


Investment scams

360cryptotraders.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The site entices potential investors with the allure of substantial profits on their initial investment. However, the reality is quite different, as the money deposited by investors is taken by fraudsters who then disappear. Interestingly, the company has no presence on social media platforms. Moreover, the partnerships that the company claims to have on its website are fictitious. The images used on the site do not accurately represent the product being offered. Furthermore, the site’s distinctiveness is compromised due to its striking resemblance to other similar sites.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters deceive investors into making monetary investments with the promise of high returns. However, the fraudsters then abscond with the invested money, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters deceive people into investing their money. They lure with promises of high returns and low risk. The trick is that these investments are either non-existent or highly risky. Scammers may pose as brokers or financial advisors. They'll use sophisticated terms and documents to appear genuine. Sometimes, they even create fake companies with professional-looking websites. Scammers often use high pressure tactics. They'll urge you to invest before the 'limited time' offer expires. This is to sway you into making a hasty decision without proper research. They might also use 'pump and dump' strategy where they artificially inflate the price of a low-value stock. They also employ 'advance fee fraud' strategy. In this, they ask for a preliminary fee to access a promising investment opportunity. However, after receiving the fee, they disappear. Scammers may also promise guaranteed returns. Remember, no investment can guarantee profits. In Ponzi schemes, they use money from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors. This gives an illusion of a profitable investment until the scheme collapses.


Ultimatetradefx.com finds itself in the spotlight for potential fraudulent activity. Promises of extraordinary profit entice you to invest, yet once you do, the fraudsters take the cash and disappear. The business’s physical address listed on the site is not genuine. The name the site claims to run under doesn’t hold registration in the state it […]


The website Usilluminatehub.com is operating a counterfeit store scam. When discovered, the site was merely 131 days old. It lacks a customer service contact number and falsely presents a business address that doesn’t exist. The images displayed on the site inaccurately represent the products for sale. Furthermore, the company is nowhere to be found on […]


Shopbeergears.shop, a website that has been running for a span of 32 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The absence of a customer support phone number is a noticeable factor that casts doubt on its credibility. Moreover, the website contains content that appears to be copied from similar sites, raising questions about […]


Customers have reported wolfesportssko.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The content on this site appears to be copied from similar websites, casting doubts on its originality. The products advertised on the website are not genuine and could pose a danger due to the use of substandard materials in their manufacture. The images displayed on […]


Securedstockmarket.com has come under scrutiny for its dubious investment practices. The company promises significant growth on investments, but after individuals invest their hard-earned money, the company’s operators vanish with the funds. Notably, an online search for reviews of the company comes up empty, raising more red flags. Interestingly, the company does not maintain any social […]

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