3 months ago


Investment scams

Financialsolutionsltd.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, which is only 120 days old, lacks a customer service contact number. The business address listed on the site is false, and the company isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate from. Unfinished pages filled with generic content and placeholder text are scattered throughout the site. It has no social media presence or reviews. Despite promising high returns on investments, the operators of the site simply vanish with the invested money.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters promise high returns on investments. However, once the money is invested, the scammers simply take the money and vanish, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam often starts with a promise of high returns. Scammers may claim these returns are guaranteed, risk-free. They use persuasive language, aiming to convince you of their legitimacy. Common tactics include pressure selling. They may urge you to invest before a "limited time" offer expires. They may also use complex jargon to confuse you and make their scheme seem more credible. Another tactic is the use of fake documents. These can look very professional, complete with logos and glossy brochures. The aim is to make the scam seem like a legitimate investment opportunity. Finally, many scammers use online platforms. They may set up fake websites and use email or social media to reach potential victims. This allows them to target a large number of people at once.


On February 23, 2023, Lifectrl.autos was identified as a phishing scam. The domain name was recently registered on October 4, 2022. This fraudulent website employs the logo of Google and fabricated Facebook reviews to advertise bogus iPad giveaways. It is advised that individuals avoid such sites and refrain from disclosing their personal or financial information. […]


Leahfosteralderman.com, a recently launched website, is under suspicion for being a crypto exchange scam. Despite being only 145 days old, it promises substantial profits to investors. However, once the investment is made, the money disappears, and the supposed scammers vanish. The website lacks a customer service contact number, raising further doubts about its legitimacy. Additionally, […]


Litetradehub.com is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise significant returns on your investment, but once you’ve invested, the fraudsters abscond with your funds. The pictures they use on their site are not authentic. At the point of this investigation, the site had been active for 98 days. The content on the site is […]


Mixcopytrade.com, a website that’s been operating for only 141 days, is involved in an investment scam. The absence of a customer service phone number on their site raises suspicion. Additionally, the physical address listed for the business is not real. Their social media accounts, devoid of any followers, further add to the dubious nature of […]


Skobutiksa.com, a website only 132 days old, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The lack of a customer service phone number on the site raises suspicions. Additionally, the graphics used don’t accurately represent the products for sale. The company is conspicuously missing from all social media platforms. Furthermore, it lacks any representation in […]

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