5 months ago


Fake stores

Vogue-product.com, a website that’s been active for 95 days, is involved in a fraudulent online store scheme. The site lacks a customer service phone number, which is a red flag for potential customers. The content on the site is noticeably similar to other sites of the same genre, indicating a lack of originality. The products offered on the site are counterfeit, posing potential risks due to the substandard materials used in their production. The business address listed on the site is non-existent, further raising suspicions about the legitimacy of the site. Moreover, the company has no presence on social media, which is unusual for legitimate businesses in today’s digital age.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These scams often sell counterfeit goods and may not provide any customer service. They can be difficult to spot due to their professional-looking websites, but common signs include a lack of contact information, suspiciously low prices, and no social media presence.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceitful act where fraudsters create a counterfeit online platform. These platforms often mimic real stores. They use alluring deals, high quality images and convincing descriptions to attract potential victims. In this type of scam, the fraudsters usually promise high value items at unusually low prices. The products often include electronic devices, designer clothing, or other luxury items. They inject urgency by claiming the offer is for a limited time only. Some scammers take a step further in their deception. They employ tactics like positive customer reviews, and secure payment badges. These are designed to enhance their credibility. They often ask for payment through untraceable methods like wire transfer or gift cards. Once payment is made the scammer disappears, leaving the buyer without their supposed purchase and out of pocket. This scam is popular due to its ability to easily deceive individuals who are tempted by the promise of a great deal!


Guarante-minners.com has come under scrutiny for alleged fraudulent investment practices. They entice potential investors with promises of substantial returns, only to disappear once the money is invested. Surprisingly, there’s not a single critique to be found for this company across well-known consumer review platforms. Its absence from social media platforms also raises eyebrows. A quick […]


Invai.org has been identified as a fraudulent operation, promising substantial returns to its investors, only to disappear with their money once invested. The website, filled with unfinished pages and default content, is riddled with placeholder text, indicating its lack of authenticity. The company’s claim of collaborations, prominently advertised on the website, holds no credibility. A […]


The website Figlinensandhome.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The items listed on this site are replicas, potentially hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. This scam came to light when the website was merely 92 days old. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Bitminingcapital.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, which is relatively new with a domain age of just 79 days at the time of the report, has been accused of duping investors. They promise high returns on investments, but once the money is invested, the alleged scammers […]


Hafelehome.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products sold on this platform are not genuine and could potentially be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their production. A glaring omission on the website is the absence of a customer service contact number. A closer look at the website reveals a […]

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