2 years ago


Fake stores

On February 12, 2023, Deleuza.com was flagged as a fake online store. The domain name was registered relatively recently, on November 27, 2022.

The website owner has opted to conceal their identity through a third-party privacy service. Deleuza.com is hosted on servers located in China and utilizes a fictitious address, making the actual physical location of the business unknown.

Despite claiming to be based in England, the website’s true whereabouts remain uncertain. Furthermore, the website was only 90 days old at the time of the initial complaint, and no customer support number is available. You can learn more about how fake online stores operate here.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Foreign company
New website
Recently registered
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No social media
A fake online store is a fraudulent website that tricks customers into thinking they are buying products, but in reality, they do not deliver. They are often based in countries like China and use Shopify to appear legitimate. Customers who fall for this scam may receive subpar or counterfeit products, receive nothing at all, or even get a completely different, unrelated item. To avoid being scammed, it is important to only shop from trustworthy websites and sellers.


Leballonstore.com is operating a sham online store. All the photographs exhibited on their webpage are not genuine. The site has been plagiarizing material from different sites. When we discovered this, the website had only been active for 53 days. There is no way to contact customer service, as no number is provided. A significant number […]


People have reported Luxwmnt.com for perpetuating a financial fraud scheme. The website promises hefty profits on your investments. However, once you commit your money, the fraudsters vanish with it. Surprisingly, none of the major review platforms hold any critiques of the website. The website also lacks a social media presence, indicating a lack of credibility. […]


On February 23, 2023, a user reported Potencyesd.online as a fraudulent online store. The domain name was registered on November 14, 2022 and is considered new. The website’s ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service, and no customer support number is provided. Although the website claims to be located in Germany, there is no […]


On March 10, 2023, Gieannasphynxfamily.com was identified as a purported pet breeder and subsequently reported as such. The website’s ownership is obfuscated by a privacy service and no physical address is discernible on the website. The domain itself is recently registered, having been created on January 10, 2023, and the website has been active for […]


Worldtraders-firm.com has been implicated in an investment scam. The scheme promises substantial returns on the funds you invest, only for the perpetrators to vanish after receiving the money. The website is littered with incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text, suggesting a lack of authenticity. The company claims to have multiple online partnerships, […]

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