9 months ago


Investment scams

A website known as Bit-dev.info is currently operating an investment fraud scheme. The website, which was only established 35 days ago, entices investors with the promise of high returns on their initial investment. However, the reality is that the money deposited by investors is taken by fraudsters who then disappear. Despite its online presence, the website does not have any social media profiles. A number of pages on the site are filled with default content and placeholder text, indicating that they are not finished. Moreover, the website falsely claims to have partnerships that do not exist.

In essence, an investment scam involves a fraudulent scheme in which individuals are promised high returns on their investments. These returns are often significantly higher than what would be considered typical or realistic. However, the money that these individuals invest is not used to generate these returns, but instead, it is taken by the fraudsters behind the scheme. The investors’ money is essentially stolen, leaving them with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive practices. They promise high returns with little risk. But in reality, they're schemes to take your money. Scammers know how to make their offers look legit. They have professional-looking websites and documents. They might even have convincing testimonials. One common type of investment scam is a Ponzi scheme. In these scams, the returns for older investors are paid by the new investors. This setup is unsustainable. It collapses when there aren't enough new investors. The people behind the scam take the money and run. Another type is pump and dump. Scammers buy cheap stocks. They hype them up to pump up the price. Then, they sell their shares at the high price and the stock crashes. Investors are left holding worthless shares. Protection is key. Always research before investing. If it's too good to be true, it likely is. Also, be wary of unsolicited investment offers. Remember, legitimate investments usually provide returns over time, not overnight.


Simplefxtradingcrypto.com, a website that was only 84 days old, was found to be involved in a crypto exchange scam. The scheme involved promising high returns on investments, only to disappear once the investment was made. The website purported to operate under a business name that was not officially registered with the state’s secretary. Additionally, the […]


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