2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Penplacest.shop runs a fake store scam. The pictures on the site don’t show the real items for sale. Evidence suggests the site operates from China. The products sold here are fake and may be dangerous because of poor-quality materials. The scam was found when the site was just 141 days old. Many pages have default content and placeholder text. The business address listed on the site is not real.

Penplacest.shop is a fraudulent online store selling fake items with misleading images and a false business address.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store to deceive people into making purchases. Scammers design these websites to look legitimate, often mimicking well-known brands. They use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions to lure customers. These fake stores often promise huge discounts and limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency. They may advertise exclusive deals on popular or hard-to-find items. Once a customer makes a purchase, the scammers either never send the product or send a counterfeit or inferior version. Scammers use tactics such as fake customer reviews and social media ads to build credibility. They may also offer secure payment options to appear trustworthy. The goal is to collect money and personal information from unsuspecting buyers.


Pershinglimited.com is a fake investment site. They promise huge profits, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. When discovered, the site was just 9 days old. There’s no customer service phone number, and the company isn’t on social media at all. An investment scam is when someone tricks you into giving them money […]


People have raised concerns about Bravelyfxanalysis.live, accusing it of operating an investment swindle. The website seems to lure unsuspecting individuals with the promise of significant returns on their initial investments. However, it appears to be a facade for fraudsters who take the invested funds and vanish into thin air. A closer look at the website […]


Select4wds.shop is a scam store. Evidence shows the website operates from China. The products sold are fake and could be dangerous because they use low-quality materials. When discovered, the site was just 132 days old. Many pages were incomplete, featuring default content and placeholder text. The business address listed is fake. There is no phone […]


Shopchateausew.shop appears to be a deceptive operation. Our findings show the website to be a mere 29 days old, without any listed contact number for customer service. The content lacks originality, with many sections mirroring other similar websites exactly. The showcased products are nothing more than clever counterfeits, possibly dangerous due to the subpar quality […]


Our investigation has revealed that Ullajohnsonushop.com is not a legitimate business. The website is riddled with incomplete pages, default content, and placeholder text. It’s also noticeable that their social media accounts are devoid of followers. They lack representation in the form of reviews on well-known consumer review websites. The website, which is just 52 days […]

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