2 months ago


Investment scams

Tidexglobals.com, a website that’s been active for 142 days, is involved in an investment scam. It lacks a customer service phone number, a crucial element for any legitimate business. The location details given on the site are misleading and false. The company has no presence on social media platforms, a red flag in today’s digital age. Moreover, there are no reviews available for the company, raising more suspicion. They promise huge returns on your investment, but once you invest, they disappear with your money.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers promise high returns on investments to lure people into parting with their money. Once the investment is made, the scammer disappears with the funds, leaving the investor at a loss.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive strategies used to trick people into making bad investments. These scams often promise high returns with little risk. Scammers may use persuasive tactics to create a sense of urgency. They may also use complex jargon to confuse potential victims. Commonly, scammers will establish a sense of trust with their victims. They might present themselves as experienced investors or financial advisors. In some cases, they may even use fake testimonials or fabricated success stories to seem more credible. A common tactic is the "pump and dump" scheme. Here, scammers inflate the price of a stock they own by spreading false information. Once the price is high enough, they sell their shares and the price crashes, leaving victims with worthless investments.


Blockbit-cc.com is a scam. The site is new, only 164 days old when we checked. It doesn’t list a phone number for support. They don’t mention their official business name anywhere. You won’t find them on social media. No reviews exist outside their own pages. An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false […]


The site Kccydyz.shop has been flagged as a potential counterfeit storefront. Investigations reveal the site’s maintenance originates from China, with the content largely duplicated from other websites. The products offered by this online shop are replicas, which could potentially be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their production. A number of the website’s […]


Kevindestin.com, a recently established website, operates a deceptive online store. The site’s administration appears to be based in China, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. The domain was a mere 91 days old when it was reported, suggesting a potentially fraudulent operation. Moreover, the images displayed on the site do not truthfully represent the products on […]


Kirkbie.com, a recently established website, is under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent online store. The domain, barely 67 days old at the time of this investigation, has raised several red flags. A noticeable absence of a customer service phone number is one such concern. Moreover, the images displayed on the site do not accurately represent […]


Consumers have reported Capitalreform.ltd for executing an investment fraud. They promise you generous returns on your investment. However, once you transfer the funds, the fraudsters vanish with your money. A number of their website pages are in the preliminary stages, filled with generic content and stand-in entries. The firm lacks a strong presence on social […]

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