2 months ago


Investment scams

Fpluspro.org operates a fraudulent investment scheme. The supposed partnerships displayed on their website are false. When discovered, the website was merely 144 days old. The contact numbers listed on the site are unresponsive. The address listed for the company on the website is incorrect. The company has no presence on any social media platforms. There are no reviews on any major review platforms. Although the website advertises high percentage returns on initial investments, it’s merely a facade. The scammers behind it take the deposited money and vanish.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters trick individuals into parting with their money, promising high returns. However, these returns are never realized as the scammers simply take the money and disappear.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake partnerships
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers convince people to invest money with promises of high returns. They often use persuasive tactics, promising a "guaranteed return" or a "once in a lifetime" opportunity. The scammers might also create a sense of urgency, claiming that the opportunity will disappear if not acted on immediately. Some even use fake testimonials or present themselves as financial experts to gain trust. These scams can take many forms, such as pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, or pump and dump scams. The end result is usually the same, the scammer runs off with the investor's money, leaving them with significant financial loss. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Bikeoffer-us.com, a recently established website, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The site, which was flagged as suspicious just 59 days after its creation, appears to be managed from China. The products featured on the site are of questionable authenticity and could potentially pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials […]


Consumers have reported Savingsandinvestmentbrokers.com for operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The website promises significant growth on investments, but once the investment is made, the alleged scammers vanish with the money. The website, which was 81 days old at the time of the report, claims to operate under a business name that is not registered in […]


Chicporcelain.com has been flagged for operating a counterfeit shop. Surprisingly, there is no phone number provided for customer support on the website. When examining the content on this website, it appears to be strikingly similar to that of other similar websites, suggesting it might be plagiarised. The website has only been up and running for […]


Paynesgray.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. Despite a thorough search, no reviews could be found on major consumer review platforms. The website is riddled with unfinished pages, default content, and placeholder text. It’s also noticeable that the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, there is no phone number […]


Officechases.shop runs a fake store scam. The products on this site are not real and could be dangerous due to poor-quality materials. The site was only 10 days old when found. It doesn’t have a customer service phone number. The content seems copied from other websites. The pictures don’t match the actual products for sale. […]

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