5 months ago


Investment scams

Rocketleague.vip, a relatively new website, has been found to be operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, which is just 83 days old, has already raised red flags due to its suspicious activities. One of the most glaring issues is the lack of a customer service phone number, making it difficult for users to contact the company directly. Additionally, the address listed on the site as the company’s location is not valid, further raising suspicions about the legitimacy of the business.

Moreover, the business name under which the website claims to operate is not registered with the secretary of state, suggesting that the company may not be legally operating. Adding to the concerns, the company’s social media accounts have no followers, indicating a lack of engagement or trust from the public.

Investment scams typically involve fraudulent business ventures where the scammer promises high returns with little to no risk. They often use manipulative tactics to lure in unsuspecting victims, such as providing false information or not being transparent about their operations. In this case, the lack of a registered business name, invalid address, and absence of a customer service number are all red flags that suggest Rocketleague.vip may be involved in such a scam.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive operation. Scammers promise high returns with little or no risk. They make it seem very attractive. The truth is different. These promises are lies. Scammers are skilled manipulators. They use persuasive tactics. They create urgency, they pressurize to invest quickly. Confidentiality is another trick. They ask you to keep the investment a secret. A common method is the Ponzi scheme. New investor's money is used to pay earlier investors. It looks like the investment is profitable. It's not. It collapses when there's no more new money coming in. Another type is the pump and dump. Scammers inflate a stock's price. They sell their shares when the price is high. Then, the price drops suddenly. Investors are left with worthless stocks. So, investment scams are fraudulent schemes that trick people into investing their money by promising high returns with little or no risk.


Chimneycrickets.shop is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they claim to sell. The content on the site lacks uniqueness and seems to be a direct copy from similar websites. The products sold on this site are not genuine […]


Hy-stakes.ltd has been flagged as a fraudulent investment scheme. Prospective investors are enticed with promises of substantial returns, only for the fraudsters to disappear once the investment is made. The products they purport to sell are represented by stock images on their website. Interestingly, the website was a mere 45 days old when the scam […]


Transparenthands.online, a reported investment scam, was only 95 days old when detected. It lures people by promising big returns on their investments. However, once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The contact numbers provided on the website are found to be disconnected. Fake reviews from imaginary people are displayed on the website to […]


Bumperstock.shop is operating a deceptive business scheme. The absence of a customer service phone number is a noticeable red flag. The website, at the time of this investigation, is a mere 92 days old. The products advertised on this site are not only false, but they could also pose a risk due to the use […]


Frenchiecompanions.com raises suspicions of pet fraud. A false online address serves as the business location. The company name that the website purports to use lacks registration in the purported state of operation. Site images misrepresent the actual products. Uncovered was the scam when the website aged only eight days. The site lacks a customer service […]

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