2 months ago


Crypto scams

Realtiexcels.com, a website that’s been up and running for only 141 days, has been identified as a fraudulent operation dealing in cryptocurrency. The phone numbers listed on the site are no longer in service, and the company’s address is incorrect. Additionally, the business lacks a presence on social media platforms. Major consumer review platforms also lack any feedback about the company. The site promises substantial returns on investments, but it’s a trap. Once you invest, the fraudsters vanish with your money.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme where con artists lure people into investing in cryptocurrencies with the promise of high returns. After the victims invest their money, the scammers disappear, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme. It involves tricking individuals into investing in non-existent cryptocurrencies. Scammers promise high returns on investments. They use persuasive tactics, convincing people that they'll make quick profits. These scams often involve the creation of fake ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). Scammers create a sleek website, complete with a white paper detailing the cryptocurrency's potential. They may even have fake testimonials to add credibility. Once they've collected enough money from unsuspecting investors, they disappear. The promised returns never materialize. The investors are left with worthless tokens. This is the harsh reality of a crypto scam.


Consumers have raised concerns about Vintajewel.com, alleging it to be a sham. The website lacks a customer support phone number, raising suspicions. Images displayed on the site do not accurately depict the products being sold. The company also claims partnerships that are not genuine. Overseas operators own and run the site, which further adds to […]


Ushousewareoutlet.com is currently operating an illicit online store. Discovered just 45 days after its establishment, the website’s authenticity is suspicious due to the evident duplication of content from other websites. The items available for purchase are counterfeit, posing potential harm due to the substandard materials used in their creation. Images displayed on the site fail […]


Vogue-product.com, a website that’s been active for 95 days, is involved in a fraudulent online store scheme. The site lacks a customer service phone number, which is a red flag for potential customers. The content on the site is noticeably similar to other sites of the same genre, indicating a lack of originality. The products […]


Reports indicate that Financialassetinvest.com is a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure potential investors with the promise of substantial returns on their investment. Sadly, once you invest, these scammers vanish with your money. Despite a thorough search, no reviews for this company were found on any of the major consumer review websites. Moreover, this company has […]


Kinrosstrust.com, a website that promises massive returns on investments, is nothing more than a well-orchestrated scam. Once you transfer your hard-earned money to them, the fraudsters behind the operation vanish without a trace. It’s noteworthy that the website lacks any social media presence, a red flag in today’s digital age. The site is also riddled […]

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