3 months ago


Crypto scams

Tdglobalfortunes.net, a website that’s been active for 121 days, is currently under suspicion for operating a crypto exchange scam. The company’s name isn’t registered in the state it purports to be based in, and there’s no customer service number available. Despite its claims of high returns on investment, once money is invested, it appears to vanish into thin air. The company’s presence on social media is virtually non-existent, and there are no reviews on any major platforms.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a company promises high returns on cryptocurrency investments. The company usually lacks transparency, has no customer service, and once the money is invested, it is stolen by the scammers.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms that pretend to be legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. These platforms often lure investors with promises of high returns and low fees. Scammers use sophisticated websites and marketing tactics to appear legitimate. They may also use social media to spread their false promises. The scam usually involves asking for an initial deposit in cryptocurrency. Once the deposit is made, the scammers either disappear or keep asking for more money under different pretexts. The victim is left with no way to recover the lost funds due to the anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies.


Forbestrade-asset.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The site promises high returns on investments, but once you send your money, the scammers vanish with it. The company’s listed address is fake, and it lacks any social media presence. Additionally, there are no independent reviews of the website, and the phone numbers provided are […]


Babesta.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The variety of items displayed on this site can be misleading and potentially hazardous due to the poor quality of raw materials used in their production. The content on the website lacks originality. The images shown do not accurately depict the products being sold. When this […]


Consumers have flagged Melonemine.com, accusing it of operating an investment scam. This website lures potential investors with promises of significant returns on initial investments. Unfortunately, it appears to be a ruse by fraudsters who take the invested money and vanish. It’s important to note that there are no customer reviews for this company on any […]


Our investigation reveals that Jcrew-shop.com is masquerading as a legitimate store while engaging in fraudulent activities. The website, which is barely over a month and a half old, does not provide a customer service phone number. It also appears that the content is not original, but rather a replica of material from similar sites. The […]


Consumers have flagged Providehome.shop as a fraudulent online store. The products offered on this site are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The website lacks originality, with its content bearing a striking resemblance to that of other similar sites. A glaring omission on the site […]

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