10 months ago


Fake stores

Consumers have raised concerns about Shopmaidenhome.shop, alleging that it’s a fraudulent online store. The products listed on the site are replicas, potentially posing a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The site lacks a customer service contact number, raising more red flags. The website’s recent registration also raises eyebrows; at the time of these allegations, the domain was a mere 99 days old. Furthermore, the website’s content appears to be plagiarized from similar sites, casting doubt on its originality. Lastly, the company seems to be absent from social media platforms, which is unusual for a legitimate business.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent online store that sells counterfeit or non-existent products. These scams often lack customer service contact information, have recently registered domains, and plagiarize content from other websites. They typically don’t have a social media presence and their products are often of inferior quality.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive scheme often carried out online. Scammers create websites designed to look like legitimate businesses. They lure unsuspecting shoppers with seemingly unbeatable prices on popular items. To trap the victims, these fake stores might display high-quality images of products. They proceed to make impressive promises of discounts and fast delivery. This tricks the buyers into believing they've found a great deal! Scammers then ask for immediate payment. Usually through untraceable methods, such as wire transfers or gift cards. Once the payment is made, the scammer disappears without delivering the product. The fake online shop usually vanished, leaving the buyer with no way to recover their money. Also, personal information entered during the 'purchase' process may be used for identity theft. The con artists can then commit further fraud in the victim's name. Be careful with online shopping, always verify before you buy.


Globefxprime.live is a newly detected investment scam, with the website being just 31 days old. The company falsely promises high returns, but once you invest, the money vanishes along with the scammers. Their address is incorrect, and they have almost no social media presence. Additionally, there are no reviews on major platforms, raising further suspicion. […]


Customers have raised concerns about Stylishsnowsuits.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent online store. The company’s presence on social media platforms is non-existent, raising further suspicions. Major review platforms lack any feedback about this website, which is another red flag. The content on the website lacks originality, with most of it appearing to be copied […]


Elemeshop.com, an online marketplace, has drawn attention due to allegations of running a scam. The merchandise showcased on the site, instead of being genuine, appears to use stock images. As per the most recent information, the website is just 45 days old. The content presented on the site lacks originality, seeming to have been sourced […]


Platinumexchange.online, under scrutiny for fraudulent practices, promises a significant return on investments. However, the moment you invest, your money gets swindled away by scammers and they vanish without a trace. The website is littered with several pages that are still incomplete, filled with generic content and placeholder text. Boasting of non-existent partnerships, the website tries […]


Teamhopeus.com has been reported in the online scam category on February 27, 2023. Teamhopeus.com is a newly registered domain name, the registration date is February 1, 2023. At the time of the complaint, the website was only 26 days old. The ownership of the website is hidden using a third-party privacy service. No customer support […]

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