7 months ago


Fake stores

Newpatiou.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products displayed on this site are not genuine and could potentially pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials used in their creation. It’s worth noting that the reviews found on this site are not authentic. The website itself is quite new, having been registered just 93 days ago at the time of this report. Evidence suggests that the site is being operated from China. It’s also been noticed that the content of the website lacks originality, appearing to copy other similar sites.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a website is created to look like a legitimate online store, offering products at attractive prices. However, these products are either counterfeit or don’t exist at all. The aim is to trick customers into parting with their money and personal information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No social media
Fake store scams are a common type of fraud online. Scammers set up fake websites that look like genuine online stores. These sites often offer goods at incredibly low prices to lure in victims. The scammers may use images and descriptions lifted from legitimate websites. They may also use fake reviews to make their store seem reputable. Once a purchase is made, the scammers either do not send the product or send something of much lesser value. In many cases, they steal the purchasing customer's credit card information for further fraudulent activities. Scammers often use tactics such as limited time offers or low stock alerts to create a sense of urgency. This can pressure customers into making a purchase without doing proper research. Remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Exquidiamond.com has come under scrutiny for allegations of being a counterfeit store fraud. The absence of a customer service phone number on the website raises concerns. It appears that the content on the site isn’t unique, leading to suspicions that it may have been copied from similar sources. The pictures displayed on the site don’t […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Timehiking.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent online store. The website, which is relatively new with a domain age of just 110 days, has raised eyebrows due to its questionable content authenticity. It appears to lack originality, failing to mirror any other similar pages. A noticeable red flag is the […]


Carpetculture.shop, a digital marketplace, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The products it offers are counterfeit, potentially posing safety hazards due to the subpar materials used in their creation. The scam came to light when the website was merely three months old. Notably, the website does not provide a contact number for customer […]


On February 1, 2023, reports surfaced identifying Privateinternationaldelivery.net as a scam website operating in the shipping category. The domain name is new, having been registered on January 1, 2023. The website typically serves as a front for shipping and cargo scams, often in conjunction with other fraudulent activities such as pet scams or fake wholesale […]


Allsilvergifts.shop has come under scrutiny for its questionable practices. The pictures displayed on the site do not accurately depict the products on sale. The content on the website lacks originality, raising concerns about its credibility. The products sold on the site are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used […]

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