9 months ago


Fake stores

Our investigation has revealed that Binkyboppys.shop is not a legitimate online store. The images displayed on the site are not genuine, and the products offered for sale are merely imitations. These counterfeit items could potentially pose risks due to the low-quality materials used in their manufacture. We’ve also noticed that the content on this site is not original, but rather copied from other websites, undermining its credibility. The website was only recently set up, and as of the time of our investigation, the domain name was still very new. A noticeable absence on the site is a customer service phone number. Additionally, the site is riddled with incomplete pages filled with default content and placeholder text.

A fake store scam is an online scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate store. These sites often display counterfeit products and use copied content from other websites. They are typically newly registered and lack customer service contact information. They may also have many incomplete pages with placeholder text.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Fake store scams are a common online fraud trend. Scammers set up false websites or social media accounts, posing as reputable retailers. These sites often boast high-quality items at reduced prices to lure unsuspecting shoppers. Scammers usually offer items that are in high demand. These could be electronics, designer clothes, or even pandemic-related products. They use deceptive tactics such as fake reviews, professional-looking websites, and convincing sales pitches. A key characteristic of these scams is the demand for payment through unusual methods. These may include wire transfers, gift cards, or other forms of untraceable payment. The fake website may also ask for personal information, which can lead to identity theft. Unfortunately, once an order is placed and payment made, the victims either receive counterfeit goods, a product that vastly differs from the description or nothing at all. The scammer then disappears, leaving the victim with no recourse for getting their money back.


Shopcamerareadycosmetics.shop poses a serious threat with its fraudulent activities. This website, with its new registration, barely a month old, gives rise to suspicion. A noticeable lack of customer service contact number adds to the doubts. Identical content from similar sites have been found on this website, thus it lacks originality. Inauthentic products, crafted from substandard […]


Customers have voiced complaints about Mt5onlinetrading.org, accusing it of being a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, only 138 days old at the time of the report, lacks a customer service phone number. The address listed on the site does not correspond to any known business. Moreover, the company has no visible presence on social media […]


Kaylaoutletsale.com has been flagged as a sham online store. The website, which is 128 days old, has raised suspicions due to several red flags. A glaring issue is the absence of a customer service phone number. Additionally, the images showcased do not truthfully represent the items being sold. The site also fails to provide an […]


On February 10, 2023, Occurre.com was reported as a fake online store. Occurre.com is a recently registered domain name, created on December 18, 2022. The website ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service. Despite claiming to operate from England, evidence suggests that Occurre.com actually a website operated from China, with the exact physical location […]


Jannjuneshop.com, a relatively new site, is engaging in fraudulent activities. A mere 53 days after its creation, the website was identified as a bogus storefront. A glaring red flag is the absence of any customer service contact number. Furthermore, the images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they purport to sell. […]

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