7 months ago


Fake stores

Ateanddrank.shop is operating a deceptive business model. The pictures showcased on their site are not original. The website’s content has been found to be plagiarized, mimicking other similar sites closely. The items they have up for sale are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. Many of the site’s pages are still under construction, populated with pre-determined content and placeholder texts. The site lacks a customer service phone number. The company’s presence is also missing from social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website poses as a legitimate online store. They display counterfeit products and use stolen or copied content from other sites. These sites often lack customer service contacts and have no social media presence. They may also use low-quality materials in their products, which can be harmful.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where a scammer sets up a fake online store. This store might look like any other online shop. It can have a wide range of products, attractive prices, and a professional design. The scammer's goal is to trick you into buying products that don't exist. When you make a purchase, the scammer takes your money. But you never receive the product you paid for. In some cases, these scammers also collect your personal information. They can use this information for identity theft. Avoiding these scams is crucial. Always research the store before making a purchase. Look for reviews or complaints about the store online. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of stores that only accept payment through wire transfer or gift cards. These payment methods are often untraceable. Remember, your personal and financial safety is important. Always be cautious when shopping online.


Reports have flagged Yusnaidi.com as a fraudulent online store. The material on this website bears a striking resemblance to similar sites, suggesting that it may have copied content. The products showcased on the site are not genuine and could potentially pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. Instead of original […]


Designeroptic.shop, a recently debuted online platform, is involved in a fraudulent activity known as a fake store scam. The website, barely a month old, is devoid of essential elements like a customer service phone number. One striking factor about this platform is the inferior quality of goods it offers, which are not only counterfeit, but […]


Machrusa.shop is operating a fraudulent retail scheme. This illicit activity came to light when the website had been in operation for only a month. Notably absent on the site is a customer service phone number. The website uses imitation strategies, replicating content from similar pages. Items available on the webpage are counterfeit, potentially posing risks […]


Cryptotint.com is currently under scrutiny for engaging in fraudulent investment activities. The company lures investors with the promise of substantial returns. However, once the investment is made, the so-called perpetrators disappear without a trace, along with the invested funds. Interestingly, the company’s social media footprint is almost invisible. In addition, their website is riddled with […]


Shopcamerareadycosmetics.shop poses a serious threat with its fraudulent activities. This website, with its new registration, barely a month old, gives rise to suspicion. A noticeable lack of customer service contact number adds to the doubts. Identical content from similar sites have been found on this website, thus it lacks originality. Inauthentic products, crafted from substandard […]

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