9 months ago


Fake stores

Besthandschuhe.com, a recently established website, has come under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which is barely three months old, has raised several red flags. It lacks a customer service contact number, a crucial feature for any legitimate online business. Furthermore, it appears to be plagiarizing content from other websites, a clear violation of ethical business practices. The products offered on the site are not genuine and could pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their production. The images used to represent these products are misleading and do not accurately depict the items for sale. Additionally, the website contains numerous incomplete pages filled with generic content and filler text, further casting doubt on its legitimacy.

A fake store scam involves a deceptive website that mimics a legitimate online store. These sites often sell counterfeit or substandard products, and may not provide customer service or a secure payment platform. They can also plagiarize content from other websites to appear more credible.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No refund policy
A fake store scam involves the creation of a fraudulent online store. Scammers set up these fake stores to look like legitimate businesses. They often use professional-looking websites and attractive deals to lure potential victims. These scammers make promises of high-quality products at incredibly low prices. Their aim is to trick people into sharing their credit card information or make a payment. Once the payment is made, the scammers either send low-quality goods or no goods at all. To deceive people, these scammers might use tactics like fake customer reviews, non-existent addresses and phone numbers. They may also use phishing emails to direct victims to their fake online stores. The emails may include a link that leads to a malicious website designed to steal your information. In a fake store scam, the scammers focus on making their fake store seem as real as possible. The tactics they use often make it difficult for people to identify the scam until it's too late.


Bhgshop.shop operates a deceptive online store. The images shown on this website don’t truly represent the items they’re selling. It seems to mimic other similar websites, borrowing content from them. The items available for purchase on this online platform are counterfeit and could potentially be dangerous due to the poor quality materials used in their […]


Fxzartrade.com, a notorious website, has been caught red-handed operating an investment fraud. They lure unsuspecting individuals with the temptation of high returns on investments. However, the reality is far from this. The moment you invest your hard-earned money, these swindlers disappear into thin air, leaving you high and dry. The website’s social media presence is […]


Bittrex-profits.com has been flagged as a potential investment scam. The website paints a rosy picture of high returns on your investments, but in reality, once you put your money in, the people behind the scam take off with your hard-earned cash. The company seems to have no presence on social media platforms. Many pages on […]


On February 14, 2023, Corniex.net was reported as a cryptocurrency scam. This website is a recent domain, having been registered on September 17, 2022. At the time of the initial complaint, the site was only 122 days old.


On February 24, 2023, Dooick.com was reported in the online scam category. The website is newly registered, with a registration date of February 7, 2023. As of the complaint date, the website was only 17 days old. Additionally, the website’s ownership is hidden using a third-party privacy service, and the address provided on the website […]

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