9 months ago


Crypto scams

Customers have raised concerns about Pasomineotra.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The website promises substantial returns on investments, however, once the investment is made, the money disappears and so do the fraudsters. Interestingly, the website was only 84 days old when these fraudulent activities were detected. There are also doubts about the authenticity of the website’s content, as it doesn’t seem to match any other pages. Furthermore, the website claims to operate under a business name that isn’t registered in the state where the company purports to be located.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website or platform, posing as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, lures individuals to invest their money with the promise of high returns. However, once the investment is made, the scammers abscond with the funds, leaving the investors high and dry.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
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Missing Information

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A crypto exchange scam is a type of fraud in the world of digital currency. Scammers pose as legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges. They design websites and apps that mirror those of reputable platforms. Victims believe they are using a real exchange. They deposit money or digital assets into the fraudulent platform. Scammers then make off with the funds. Common promises made include guaranteed returns or low trading fees. Some claim they have crucial market knowledge or a secret formula for trading. They use these tactics to lure in unsuspecting individuals. Tactics range from phishing attempts to fake initial coin offerings (ICO’s). They can also use social engineering tricks such as manipulative messages or emails. These may lead victims to false websites where they enter their sensitive information. In some cases, the scam can be complex, involving fake customer service representatives. These individuals work to convince victims that they are helping them. But, they are actually part of the scam.


Customers have raised concerns about Popjewelry-us.com, claiming it’s a fraudulent online store. The products offered on this site are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to the subpar materials used in their creation. Notably, the content of the website appears to be plagiarized from other sources. A glaring omission on the site is the lack of a […]


Mastertrana.live, a website that’s only 121 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent forex operation. The site doesn’t provide a customer service phone number, and the business isn’t registered in the state it purports to operate from. It’s also noticeable that the website has no social media footprint, and the company is absent from […]


Our investigation uncovered Shopcandycatz.shop functioning as a fraudulent online shop. When we completed our report, the website was only a month old. The website offered no customer service phone number. Its content raises questions of authenticity, lacking similarity to corresponding pages on other legitimate sites. The products on the site are represented by generic stock […]


The website Shopteaktuning.shop is under suspicion for running a fraudulent operation. It’s a relatively new player in the market, with its domain name just a month old. One red flag is the lack of a customer service hotline. Also, the credibility of the content on the website is questionable, as it doesn’t correspond with similar […]


Many consumers have raised red flags about Shonajoyus.shop as a fraudulent online store. Launched just 29 days before this report, the website has been called into question due to a lack of transparency, specifically the absence of a customer service contact number. Doubts about the site’s authenticity have been further exacerbated due to discrepancies in […]

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