9 months ago


Crypto scams

The website Kryptoxprofit.com is implicated in a dubious crypto exchange operation. It prominently features fabricated reviews from customers who in reality, don’t exist. This website is under the helm of an overseas company. Strangely enough, there’s a conspicuous absence of a customer service phone number on their website. Additionally, its business name is not officially registered in the state it claims to operate from.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a company or website pretends to be a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange platform. They often use fake reviews and lack legitimate contact information. Sometimes, these platforms aren’t even registered in the locations they claim to. They lure in unsuspecting individuals with the promise of lucrative returns, only to disappear with their victims’ investments.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake reviews
Foreign company

Missing Information

No phone numbers
In a crypto exchange scam, fraudsters create a bogus platform resembling a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. They lure unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns or unique crypto offering. Scammers typically use advanced web designs and feature-rich interfaces to deceive users. They make it appear as if substantial trading activity is occurring on their platforms. This hoodwink aims to convince users that their operations are authentic. The fraudsters may promise rewards for early investors. In a common tactic, they might offer special promotions or bonuses for those who deposit large amounts. This is a technique to attract people to invest more. Victims often find withdrawals impossible or are met with numerous delays and excuses. By the time they realize something is wrong, the scammers have usually disappeared with the funds. This scam thrives on the perceived anonymity of the crypto world, plus lack of regulations, as well as the lack of knowledge of potential investors about how a genuine crypto exchange works.


Reports have emerged that Jenniferfurnitures.shop is a fraudulent online store. The company’s social media accounts lack followers, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. Moreover, the absence of a customer service phone number on the site is a red flag. The products showcased on this online platform are deceptive, potentially posing safety risks due to the inferior […]


The website Usilluminatehub.com is operating a counterfeit store scam. When discovered, the site was merely 131 days old. It lacks a customer service contact number and falsely presents a business address that doesn’t exist. The images displayed on the site inaccurately represent the products for sale. Furthermore, the company is nowhere to be found on […]


Reports have emerged about a recent crypto exchange scam conducted by Brokerinteraktive.com. The website, which has been in operation for only 81 days, has no customer service phone number listed. Furthermore, it purports to operate under a business name that is not actually registered in the state that the company claims to be located in. […]


Consumers have flagged Redcarpetrocks.shop for operating a fraudulent online shop. The items showcased on this digital platform are counterfeit and could pose safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their creation. The content on the website lacks authenticity. There’s no customer service phone number provided on the site. Several incomplete pages on the […]


Firstapex-int.com has been operating a deceptive investment scheme. The website, merely 121 days old at the time of reporting, features reviews that lack authenticity. It purports to function under a business name not registered in the state it purports to be headquartered in. There’s no trace of the company across social media platforms, and reviews […]

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