7 months ago


Investment scams

Myforexwealth.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise significant growth on your investment, but once you’ve invested, the fraudsters vanish with your money. The website lists a business address that doesn’t exist. A number of pages on the site are still in the draft phase, filled with generic content and placeholders. The phone numbers provided on the site seem to be out of service. It appears that the site is owned and run by a foreign company or individuals.

An investment scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters convince individuals to invest money in false opportunities. They promise high returns and low risk, but in reality, they take the investor’s money and disappear. These scams can take many forms and often involve complex financial products.

Red Flags

Fake address
Foreign company
Phone disconnected
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
Investment scams are a form of fraud where scammers trick people into investing money. This is often done under the guise of a business opportunity. The scammer entices people with promises of high returns and low risk. These scams can take many forms. Pyramid schemes are a common example. Here, the returns of earlier investors funded by the investments of new entrants. Scammers may also claim to have inside information about a particular investment. One distinguishing feature of such scams is their too-good-to-be-true promises. Scammers often use persuasive language and pressure tactics. They create a sense urgency to convince people to invest immediately. It's also worth noting that many investment scams operate online. Scammers use social media, email and websites to reach a wide audience. They may use professional-looking documents and certificates to appear legitimate. Remember, if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Objetmobilier.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. Alarm bells rang when the website was discovered to be a mere 52 days old. The absence of a customer service phone number raised further doubts. Upon closer examination, content copied from other similar sites was found, casting doubts over the website’s originality. Items listed for […]


Ovingtonoutlet.com, a website only 143 days old, is reportedly running a fake store scam. The site doesn’t provide a customer service phone number, and the photos displayed are counterfeit. It lacks an official business name and has no social media presence. Furthermore, no external reviews of the website are available, only those on their own […]


Aquaworxholdingsltd.com has recently been reported in the investment scam category by a user on ScamGuard on February 23, 2023. The website claims to operate under the name Aquaworx Holdings Ltd and is a newly registered domain name with a registration date of September 11, 2022. However, we have confirmed that nothing on this website is […]


Reports indicate Splitmin.com as a fraudulent investment platform. They promise significant growth of your investment. However, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The website lacks a social media following. Numerous pages on the site are underdeveloped, filled with unedited content and placeholder notes. The graphics displayed on the site do not accurately […]


Sportskoer.com operates as a fraudulent online store. The pictures it presents are misleading and not authentic. The written content found on the website is unoriginal, lacking genuine creativity. Products that the website claims to sell are counterfeit, and the substandard materials used in their creation can be potentially harmful. As of this report, the website […]

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