9 months ago


Investment scams

Coinquesta.com has drawn negative attention from its customers due to accusations of perpetrating an investment scam. The company lures people in with promises of high returns on their investments, only to disappear with the hard-earned cash once the investment is made. The address provided on the website isn’t genuine, and the phone numbers, conveniently, are currently out of order. Additionally, the visual representations of the product on offer on the site are misleading and don’t represent the actual product. A number of web pages on the site are incomplete, filled with stock content and placeholder text, indicating a lack of professionalism. Even the touted online partnerships the company proudly displays on its site are nothing but smoke and mirrors.

Investment scam, as the name suggests, is a fraudulent scheme where an individual or a company promises high returns on your investment. However, once you invest, they disappear with your money, leaving you with nothing but a lesson learned the hard way. It’s important to always research and verify the legitimacy of any investment opportunity before parting with your hard-earned cash.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Phone disconnected
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No disclaimers
No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
No terms & conditions
Investment scams involve manipulative strategies to trick people into parting with their money. The scammers often start by promising high returns for little to no risk. They may even guarantee profits, which is a clear red flag in any investment scheme. Scammers often use persuasive tactics to build a sense of trust and urgency. They may pretend to have inside information or expertise. Tactics can involve complicated jargon, or official-looking documents to convince victims of the legitimacy of their proposal. In Ponzi or pyramid schemes, scammers use funds from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors. These scams are unsustainable and eventually collapse, leading to significant losses for those involved. Such characteristics are typical of investment scams and are used to deceive unsuspecting individuals.


Our investigation reveals that Shopbetel.shop is a fraudulent online store. The discovery was made when the website was just 110 days into operation. A thorough examination of the website’s data shows repeated content from other similar sites, indicating a lack of creativity. The products sold on this online store are counterfeit, and their low-quality components […]


After careful investigation, it’s clear that Maxitradeltd.com is not a legitimate investment operation, but rather a fraudulent scheme. The website’s enticing promise of large percentage profits from initial investments masks its true intent: to defraud investors of their money. Despite its professional veneer, the company has no visible presence on renowned consumer review platforms, and […]


Nicholashops.com has come under scrutiny recently for claims of being a counterfeit store scam. The website’s registration is quite recent, with the domain name only being 27 days old at the time of the report. One noticeable feature is the absence of a customer service phone number, raising eyebrows among many. The content of the […]


Mustantier.com, a website that’s been up and running for 92 days, was found to be a sham online store. The items available on this site are not genuine, but rather, cheap imitations, and their low-grade construction materials could potentially pose a risk to consumers. The majority of the evidence suggests that the website is being […]


Tradeproprofit.com has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Despite its recent establishment, only 27 days old at the time of reporting, the site promises substantial profits for investors. But, once you invest, the unscrupulous individuals behind the platform disappear with your money. A glaring omission is the lack of a customer support phone number. […]

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