12 months ago


Investment scams

Beware of a website called Coinmatrixpro.com, currently engaged in a dubious investment scheme. Their promise of significant earnings from investment is a mere facade. As soon as you put money in, the fraudsters involved abscond with your funds. Any attempt to look for the company’s social media presence will be futile, as it’s non-existent. Upon exploring the website, numerous incomplete pages greet you, replete with placeholder text and default content. The site also flaunts fictitious partnership claims. Images displayed on it misleadingly represent the product they’re selling. To make matters worse, there’s no customer service phone number provided. As of this report’s publication, the website has been in existence for just 30 days.

An investment scam involves a fraudulent scheme where unsuspecting individuals are enticed to invest money with the promise of unusually high returns. However, the scammers end up running away with the invested money, leaving the victims with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam happens when someone tricks you into putting your money into a fake or risky investment. The person usually promises high returns with little or no risk. This is often a red flag, as all investments come with some level of risk. There are many types of investment scams. For instance, Ponzi schemes involves paying returns to earlier investors with money collected from new investors. Pyramid schemes are another type where each member recruits others to invest. Money taken from the new recruits is used to pay the person who recruited them. The scammer usually sounds very professional. They may show you impressive looking documents to make their scam seem legit. Often, they will pressure you to invest quickly. This leaves you with little time to research. It's important to be cautious when investing. Always do your research and seek advice from a trusted financial advisor. If an investment seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Traderchoiceltd.com is operating an investment scheme that isn’t quite what it seems. They entice potential investors with promises of substantial returns, but once the money is handed over, the fraudsters vanish without a trace. The company’s online footprint, particularly on social media platforms, is virtually invisible, raising further suspicions. Additionally, the website uses generic stock […]


Luxurioustools.com is currently operating a deceptive online store. The website, at the time of investigation, was just over three months old. Further examination indicates that the operation is likely based in China. Instead of actual product photos, the website employs generic stock images. The business, despite its claims, has no legal establishment in the state […]


Uxestrade.tech operates a crypto exchange scam. Its website, freshly registered, is only 29 days old at the time of reporting. Promises of high returns on investments are made, but as soon as you transfer your money, it’s snatched by the fraudsters who then vanish. A customer service phone number is conspicuously absent on the site. […]


Ozzyinvestment.com tricks people with a fake crypto exchange. The scam got noticed when the site was just 103 days old. Phone numbers on the site don’t work anymore. Reviews on the site are fake and misleading. The business name they use isn’t registered with the state. Collaborations listed on the site are also made up. […]


Shoptnuck.shop is currently under the scanner for running a sham online store. The website, which is barely a month old, conspicuously lacks a customer service contact number. It tends to mimic content from similar websites, which raises suspicions about its credibility. The products showcased on the website are represented by stock images, further casting doubt […]

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