12 months ago


Investment scams

Capital-treasure.com has been flagged as an unscrupulous enterprise engaging in fraudulent activities. They lure unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns only to abscond with their hard-earned money. Despite promising transparency, they have no presence on any social media platform, a suspicious omission in today’s digital age.

Their website is rife with incomplete pages and obvious placeholder content, suggesting a lack of attention to detail and professionalism. The partnerships they brag about are all smoke and mirrors, with no tangible evidence to back up their claims. Pictorial representations on the site are misleading and do not accurately represent the products or services being offered.

They claim to be registered in a certain state, but a quick check revealed that they are not on any official business registry. The website, upon investigation, was found to be a mere 28 days old, a relatively short period of time for a legitimate business operation. Furthermore, there’s no customer service phone number provided, an inconvenience that prevents direct communication with the company.

Investment scams refer to deceptive business practices that persuade individuals to invest their money based on false promises of significant profit. Often, the scammer will take the money and vanish, leaving the investor with a significant loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
New website
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a scheme designed to trick people out of their money. These scams promise high returns with little risk. The truth is, they're designed to make the scammer rich, not you. The scammer might be a smooth talker. They'll show you impressive-looking documents and make big promises. They might say they have insider information or a secret strategy. This is all a lie. Investing always involves some risk. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be suspicious of any investment that promises a sure thing. Protect yourself by doing your homework. Check out the person selling the investment. See if they are licensed to sell investments. Look into the investment itself. If you can't find any information or if the information doesn't make sense, walk away. Remember, your money is important. Take the time to make sure your investment is legitimate, not a scam.


We have found reports indicating that Usfurnituretotal.com is a fraudulent online shop. A careful examination reveals that the originality of the site’s materials is lacking, and they closely resemble those of other similar platforms. The products offered on this site are not genuine and the use of low-quality materials in their manufacture could potentially pose […]


Mjjoneshop.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products advertised on this platform are fake, making them potentially hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website was only 29 days old when identified. Noticeably, there’s no customer service contact number provided on their website. The content of the website […]


On February 19, 2023, Necklac.shop was reported as a fake online store. The website is a new domain name that has only been active for 65 days at the time of the first complaint. The ownership of the website is concealed by a third-party privacy service. The website is hosted in China, and it uses […]


Shopcamerareadycosmetics.shop poses a serious threat with its fraudulent activities. This website, with its new registration, barely a month old, gives rise to suspicion. A noticeable lack of customer service contact number adds to the doubts. Identical content from similar sites have been found on this website, thus it lacks originality. Inauthentic products, crafted from substandard […]


Epoolsupplyus.shop, a recently identified site, is a fraudulent online shop. The website’s registration occurred within the last month, specifically 28 days ago. Lack of a customer service phone number is a glaring issue with the site. Content appears suspiciously similar to other websites, suggesting possible plagiarism. Counterfeit products make up the site’s inventory, potentially dangerous […]

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