12 months ago


Investment scams

The website Wildmines-investment.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. Despite its promises of impressive returns on initial investments, it is actually a scam, with fraudsters pocketing the deposited funds and then vanishing. In addition, the company lacks a solid presence on social networks. Several pages on the website are still under construction, filled with placeholder content and gibberish text. The partnerships that the company claims to have online are not authentic. The visual content displayed on the website doesn’t accurately represent the services being offered. The deceptive scheme was uncovered when the website was a mere 36 days old.

An investment scam is a scheme to trick investors into parting with their money based on false promises. It involves fraudsters who claim to have lucrative investment opportunities that are, in fact, nonexistent or highly exaggerated. These scammers often disappear once they have collected enough funds, leaving investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It's designed to trick people into parting with their money in the hope of big returns. These scams often promise high profits with little to no risk. They usually involve complex financial transactions. These scams can take many forms. Some of them include Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, and pump and dump scams. In Ponzi and pyramid schemes, returns for older investors are paid by new investors' funds. In pump and dump scams, the scammers inflate the price of a stock and then sell it at a high price. It's crucial to be cautious when considering an investment. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always research thoroughly about the investment and the company before investing. Remember, investment scams can lead to significant financial loss. Be sure to report any suspected scams to the relevant authorities.


Westlanddachshundpuppies.com stands accused of being a fraudulent pet site. Barely a month had passed since its creation when suspicions arose. A glaring omission is a contact number for customer service. It hosts deceptive images, not authentic ones. Several website pages remain under construction, packed with placeholder content and empty spaces. The company’s social media accounts […]


Primeinvests.online runs an investment scam. They promise big returns, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The website is only 103 days old. There’s no customer service number available. Many pages are incomplete and filled with generic text and placeholders. The company lacks reviews on major consumer review sites. The content is copied […]


Many customers have flagged Alfresco-promo.com for running a counterfeit shop scheme. It’s evident that the content on this site mirrors similar websites, implying a lack of originality. The products sold by this online store are imitation goods, potentially harmful due to the inferior materials used in their production. The images displayed on this site don’t […]


We’ve discovered that Bikinissuit.com is running a fraudulent online shop. The website, which is 56 days old at the time of our investigation, appears to have lifted content from other similar sites, implying a lack of originality. It’s selling counterfeit products that could be hazardous due to the poor quality of the materials used in […]


Coffmachine.shop stands accused by buyers of conducting a counterfeit store fraud. This scheme came to light only 20 days after the website’s inception. A conspicuous absence of a customer service contact number raises suspicion. The content on this site lacks novelty and displays signs of mimicry from other similar platforms. Fabrications dominate the product lineup […]

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