2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Wickedsens.shop has been flagged as a scam. The address listed for the company doesn’t exist. The photos on the site are fake. The products sold are not genuine and may be dangerous because of poor materials. The scam was uncovered when the site was just 122 days old. The business name they use isn’t registered in the state they say they’re based in.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent platform that tricks users into depositing cryptocurrency, only to steal their funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Recently registered
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudsters creating fake cryptocurrency trading platforms. These scammers promise high returns on investments and easy profits. They often use professional-looking websites and fake reviews to build trust. Scammers lure victims by offering exclusive deals and bonuses. They may even impersonate well-known figures in the crypto world. Once victims deposit their funds, the scammers disappear or block access to the account. These schemes often involve pressure tactics. Scammers push for quick decisions by claiming limited-time offers. They may also use social engineering techniques to gain personal information. The goal is to make the scam seem legitimate and urgent. Victims find it hard to recover their lost money. The anonymity of cryptocurrency transactions makes it difficult to trace the scammers.


The website Autoglobalsecured.com is under suspicion for conducting a crypto exchange scam. It was merely 19 days old when this suspicion surfaced. They promise you immense returns on your investment. However, once you transfer the funds, they vanish with your money. The website features deceptive reviews from individuals who don’t exist. There’s no phone number […]


Knitpumpkin.com, a recently established website, is involved in a deceptive store scam. The domain name, only 128 days old at the time of reporting, is a cause for concern. The site does not provide a customer service phone number, raising further suspicions. It purports to function under a business name that isn’t registered in the […]


The website Ampersandshop.shop has raised suspicions due to its dubious operations. It was established merely 28 days ago, and is already raising eyebrows. Interestingly, the website lacks a customer service contact number, raising a red flag about its legitimacy. The content on the website lacks originality, indicating a high possibility that it hasn’t been copied […]


Fashionprettys.com is operating a counterfeit shop scheme. The website’s registration is recent, with the domain name being a mere 128 days old at the time of this report. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site. The address provided for the business is incorrect. The images displayed on the site are not authentic. […]


Multipathtrades.com runs an investment scam. We found this out when the site was just 11 days old. Its information is misleading, and the business doesn’t exist at the listed address. A foreign company operates the site. They promise high profits for initial investments but actually take the money and vanish. The company has no presence […]

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