8 months ago


Crypto scams

Vinnydigital.org operates as a fraudulent crypto exchange. The deceit got exposed just after the website’s 33rd day of operation. It lures in individuals with promises of significant returns on their initial investments, but the reality is it’s an elaborate scheme. The scammers remove the deposited funds and vanish without a trace. Throughout the internet, not one customer review of the company exists. It lacks a tangible presence on social platforms. The website conveniently omits any mention of the official business name. A foreign company owns the site. A closer look at the website reveals multiple incomplete pages filled with default content and placeholder text. The site fails to provide a customer service phone number.

In essence, a crypto exchange scam is when an organization falsely presents itself as a legitimate platform for cryptocurrency trading. They promise high returns on investments, enticing individuals to deposit funds. However, these scammers vanish without a trace once they’ve secured the funds.

Red Flags

Foreign company
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms that lure investors promising high returns from cryptocurrency trades. These scams often use flashy websites and technical jargon to appear legitimate. They might require users to deposit funds, which are then stolen. Some may manipulate trading data to show false profits, only to disappear with user's funds. Always research before investing, looking for reviews, regulatory compliance, and transparency.


Herofx.org stands identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange. Its recent registration raises eyebrows – a mere 29 days old at the time of disclosure. The site lacks a customer service contact, while promising hefty returns on investments. Investors part with their money, only to see it vanish into thin air as the fraudsters abscond. The […]


Trading-grove.ltd has been implicated in an investment scam. They promise significant profits from investments, only to disappear with your hard-earned money after you’ve made the investment. It’s alarming that no reviews can be located on any major review platforms. The company’s social media accounts have no followers. A quick website check reveals numerous unfinished pages, […]


People have reported Paradoxpips.com for running an investment scheme that promises high returns. Unfortunately, these promises turn out to be false. Once you invest your money, the fraudsters disappear with it. Their website contains several pages still in the developmental phase, filled with generic content and placeholder tags. The company’s supposed partnerships, as advertised on […]


People have reported that Shopstandardandstrange.shop is a fraudulent online store. This detection happened when the website was barely a month old. It lacks a customer service phone number, which is usually a red flag. The site seems to borrow heavily from other similar websites, indicating a lack of originality. The goods sold on the site […]


Grundenshoes.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The scam came to light when the website was merely 28 days old. Interestingly, the site does not offer a customer service phone number for inquiries or complaints. A comprehensive analysis of the website’s data revealed copied content replicated from other similar websites, indicating a lack […]

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