, it seems, is running a counterfeit store scam. This online shop peddles imitation products that could potentially be hazardous due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. The physical address listed on the website is bogus, and the business itself is not legally registered in the state it purports to operate from. Various sections of the website appear to be under construction, laden with pre-set content and placeholders. It’s apparent that the site’s management originates from China. The contact numbers provided on the website are currently out of service. Moreover, the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, the firm lacks any form of representation in the form of reviews on major consumer feedback websites.
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where an online store sells counterfeit products or doesn’t deliver the purchased goods at all. Often these stores use low-quality materials for their products, provide false contact information, and lack a presence on social media or review platforms.