2 months ago


Fake stores

Verawomens.com, a website that’s been active for 131 days, is reportedly involved in a fake store scam. The site doesn’t provide a customer service phone number, which is a red flag. Moreover, the images displayed aren’t accurate representations of the products they’re selling. Another suspicious detail is the website’s complete absence from social media.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. They lure customers with attractive deals, but the products they sell are either counterfeit or don’t exist at all.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers create bogus online storefronts. These sham websites often appear legitimate, using professional-looking design elements and logos. They may even mimic the appearance of well-known retail websites. Scammers lure victims with irresistible deals. Items are usually listed at a fraction of their retail price. This is a tactic to entice potential victims into making a purchase. Once a purchase is made, the scammer either sends a counterfeit product or nothing at all. The payment information provided during checkout is often used for further fraudulent activity. In some cases, these fraudulent stores will send a confirmation email with tracking information. The tracking details are usually fake, or they may represent a package sent to a different address entirely. This is done to buy time and prevent the victim from realizing the scam immediately.


Diatrades.com has a reputation of being involved in a fraudulent investment scheme. The offer is an enticing one, promising substantial returns on your monetary commitments. However, upon investing, you will find the money has been swindled by the fraudsters who then vanish without a trace. A thorough search for the company’s reviews on leading consumer-feedback […]


Select4wds.shop is a scam store. Evidence shows the website operates from China. The products sold are fake and could be dangerous because they use low-quality materials. When discovered, the site was just 132 days old. Many pages were incomplete, featuring default content and placeholder text. The business address listed is fake. There is no phone […]


You should be aware that Globalcrypttrading.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The site promises high returns on your investment, but once you’ve put your money in, the fraudsters vanish with your cash. Our investigation revealed several incomplete pages on their website, littered with standard content and placeholder text. Beyond the self-promotion on their […]


Cryptostockpulse.com, a relatively new website, is in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. A mere 29 days after its creation, accusations of fraudulent activity began to surface. Investors were promised significant returns on their investments; however, it soon became apparent that the funds were being pilfered by the site’s operators. Investors who had already […]


Global-assets-finances.net is currently under suspicion of being an investment scam. They claim to quickly multiply your investment, however, once you entrust them with your money, the fraudsters seize it and disappear. Despite their claims of having a strong digital footprint, the firm lacks any presence on social media platforms. The website is filled with pages […]

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