2 weeks ago


Investment scams

People say Vallorassets.com is an investment scam. The address on the site is fake. The website is only 11 days old. There’s no phone number for customer support. They promise great returns on your investment, but once you invest, they take your money and disappear. Also, you can’t find any reviews about the company. Their social media presence is almost zero.

Investment scams trick people into giving money with promises of high returns. The scammers then disappear with the money.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam typically involves fraudsters promising high returns with little or no risk. They often claim to have insider information or a secret strategy that guarantees success. These scammers use persuasive language and create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into making quick decisions. They might present fake testimonials or fabricated success stories to build trust. Some even create professional-looking websites or documents to appear legitimate. Scammers frequently target vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly or those in financial distress. They may ask for personal information or upfront fees, promising that these are necessary steps to secure the investment. Once they have the money, they disappear, leaving victims with significant financial losses.


Meotramine.com, a website not even three months old, has been identified as a scam in the realm of cryptocurrency exchanges. The site is rife with fraudulent reviews supposedly written by individuals who don’t actually exist. Despite promises of substantial returns on investments, those who have put money in have found it simply disappears, taken by […]


On February 28, 2023, Zeldracktransportlogistics.com was categorized as a re-shipping scam website. The domain was newly registered on March 3, 2022, and no physical address or company phone number is available on the website. Such websites are typically associated with employment or pet sale scams that involve re-shipping of goods. It is important to exercise […]


Reports have surfaced of Leveledupinstitute.com operating as an investment scam. They entice potential investors with promises of high returns, only to vanish once the investment is made. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered a mere 42 days ago at the time of this report. In addition, the site lacks a customer service […]


Birextips.com, a newly established website, is accused of perpetrating a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The domain name, only 80 days old at the time of investigation, is a red flag. The site promises substantial returns, but there are reports of the operators disappearing with the deposited funds. The reviews displayed on the website are not genuine, […]


Linquon.com operates a counterfeit store. Not a single review has been spotted on any of the leading review platforms. The products they offer are not genuine and could pose risks because of the inferior materials used in their production. The firm barely has any presence on social media. The fraudulent scheme was uncovered when the […]

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